Indicator List of Category: INTERNATIONAL FINANCE
Indicator Unit Definition
Balance of Payments, Current Account Balance (Current Prices in Billions) USD Difference between the sum of exports and income receivable and the sum of imports and income payable (exports and imports refer to both goods and services, while income refers to both primary and secondary income) under Balance of Payments, expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Credit (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of exports of goods (physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions), expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Debit (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of imports of goods (physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions), expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Net (Current Prices in Millions) USD Goods, Credit less Goods, Debit under Balance of Payments, expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Credit (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of exports of services (result of a production activity that changes the conditions of the consuming units, or facilitates the exchange of products or financial assets, not generally separate items over which ownership rights can be established and cannot generally be separated from their production), expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Debit (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of imports of services (result of a production activity that changes the conditions of the consuming units, or facilitates the exchange of products or financial assets, not generally separate items over which ownership rights can be established and cannot generally be separated from their production), expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Net (Current Prices in Millions) USD Services, Credit less Services, Debit under Balance of Payments, expressed in terms of current USD.
Balance of Payments, External Trade, Goods, Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB) (in Millions) USD Value of exports of goods in “free on board (FOB)” type valuation.
Balance of Payments, External Trade, Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF) (in Millions) USD Shows the value of goods imports in “cost, insurance, and freight (CIF)” type valuation.
Balance of Payments, Trade Balance (in Millions) USD Net trade in goods (trade balance) is the difference between exports and imports of goods. Service balance is not included. But the category includes goods previously included in services: goods received or sent for processing and their subsequent export or import in the form of processed goods.
Current Account Balance, % of GDP Percent Current account balance divided by GDP, expressed in terms of percentage.
Debt Service on External Debt, Total (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Sum of principal repayments and interest actually paid in currency, goods, or services on long-term debt, interest paid on short-term debt, and repayments (repurchases and charges) to the IMF, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Long-Term (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Sum of public and publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed debt with an original or extended maturity of more than one year, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Private Nonguaranteed (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of long-term external obligations of private debtors that are not guaranteed for repayment by a public entity, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Public and Publicly Guaranteed (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of long-term external obligations of public debtors, including the national government, public corporations, state owned enterprises, development banks and other mixed enterprises, political subdivisions (or an agency of either), autonomous public bodies, and external obligations of private debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by a public entity, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Short-Term (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of debt that has an original maturity of one year or less, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Total (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services, which is the sum of public, publicly guaranteed, and private nonguaranteed long-term debt, short-term debt, and use of IMF credit, expressed in terms of current USD.
External Debt Stocks, Use of IMF Credit (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of purchases and drawings under IMF Stand-By, Extended, Structural Adjustment, Enhanced Structural Adjustment, and Systemic Transformation Facility Arrangements, Trust Fund loans as well as SDR allocations, expressed in terms of current USD.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Inward Flows (Current Prices in Millions) USD FDI inward flows represent transactions that increase the investment that foreign investors have in enterprises resident in the reporting economy less transactions that decrease the investment of foreign investors in resident enterprises, expressed in terms of current USD.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Outward Flows (Current Prices in Millions) USD FDI outward flows represent transactions that increase the investment that investors in the reporting economy have in enterprises in a foreign economy less any transactions that decrease the investment that investors in the reporting economy have in enterprises in a foreign economy, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Development Food Aid (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of grants and concessional loans under official development assistance (ODA) related to the three categories of food aid, namely (i) programme food aid (supplied as a resource transfer providing balance of payments (BoP) or budgetary support); (ii) project food aid (provided to support specific poverty alleviation and disaster prevention activities, targeted on specific beneficiary groups or areas); and (iii) relief food aid (targeted on, and freely distributed to, victims of natural or man-made disasters), received from official donors, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Grants, Total (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of transfers made in cash, goods or services for which no repayment is required, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Humanitarian Aid (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of transfers related to disaster prevention and preparedness, reconstruction relief, relief coordination, protection and support services, emergency food aid and other emergency/distress relief, received from official donors, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Technical Cooperation (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of activities under Free-Standing Technical Cooperation that are financed by a donor country whose primary purpose is to augment the level of knowledge, skills, technical know-how or productive aptitudes of the population of developing countries, i.e., increasing their stock of human intellectual capital, or their capacity for more effective use of their existing factor endowment, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Total, Net (Current Prices in Millions) USD Value of official donors' disbursement flows (net of repayment of principal) that meet the DAC definition of official development assistance (ODA) and are made to countries and territories on the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of aid recipients, expressed in terms of current USD.
ODA: Total, Net per Capita (Current Prices) USD ODA (official development assistance) received per person, expressed in terms of USD.
Rate of Exchange, per USD, End of Period National Currency Units Year-end value of 1 USD, expressed in terms of national currency units.
Rate of Exchange, per USD, Period Average National Currency Units Annual average value of 1 USD based on monthly values, expressed in terms of national currency units.
Total Reserves, excluding Gold (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities, excluding gold holdings, expressed in terms of current USD.
Total Reserves, including Gold (Current Prices in Thousands) USD Value of holdings of monetary gold, special drawing rights, reserves of IMF members held by the IMF, and holdings of foreign exchange under the control of monetary authorities, expressed in terms of current USD.