Enhancing Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among OIC Member Countries
Date: 12 October 2009

The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) added the issue of enhancing economic and commercial cooperation among its member countries to its agenda shortly after its establishment in 1969. Considerable efforts have been so far spent at various OIC levels to develop means and modalities of joint cooperative action in this regard. Two OIC plans of action for economic and commercial cooperation were adopted by the Islamic Summit in 1981 and 1994, respectively. The main objective of these plans is to develop a structure and mechanism for economic and commercial cooperation among the OIC member countries and help them face the ever-changing global economic conjuncture. The Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the OIC (COMCEC) was established as the main OIC umbrella under which the mechanism for economic and commercial cooperation among the OIC member countries is functioning at the highest level. However, despite the various efforts so far spent within this framework, the existing level of economic and commercial cooperation among OIC member countries remained limited in terms of concrete and tangible end results.

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Enhancing Economic and Commercial Cooperation Among OIC Member Countries (English) (Arabic) (French)