JECD Article Details
General Information
Code: ART20121401 (in English)
Title: How do EFI and CPI impact Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in Selected Emerging Markets?
Author(s): Mehmet Çanakcı (Türkiye)
JEL Code: C13, F21,E02
Referee Information
Managing Editor: Dr. Kabir Hassan
Status: Approved
Submission date: 12 December 2020
Decision date: 25 February 2021
Explanation: 25/02/2021: Referee approved this article. Acceptance email has been sent to author.
07/04/2021: The author sent the revised paper based on the Template.
15/04/2021: This article has been published in the Online First (Volume 42, Number 2).
Final / Printable Article (.pdf): ART20121401.pdf
Copyright File (.pdf): ART20121401-copyright.pdf