Indicator List of Category: YOUTH
Indicator Unit Definition
Account Ownership at a Financial Institution or with a Mobile-Money-Service Provider, Young Adults, % of Population Ages 15-24 Percent Proportion of respondents (ages 15-24) to the total population of their age cohort who report having an account (by themselves or together with someone else) at a bank or another type of financial institution or report personally using a mobile money service in the past 12 months, expressed in terms of percentage.
Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Proportion of a country's population (with ages 15-24) that is employed, expressed in terms of percentage.
Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Proportion of a country's female population (with ages 15-24) that is employed, expressed in terms of percentage.
Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Proportion of a country's male population (with ages 15-24) that is employed, expressed in terms of percentage.
Gender Parity Index, Literacy Rate, Ages 15-24 Ratio Ratio of young literacy rate, female to young literacy rate, male.
Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Proportion of economically active population with ages 15-24 in total population with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Proportion of economically active female population with ages 15-24 in total female population with ages 15+, expressed in terms of percentage.
Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Proportion of economically active male population with ages 15-24 in total male population with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Literacy Rate, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Share of female population with ages 15-24 that is able to read and write in the female population in the same age group, expressed in terms of percentage.
Literacy Rate, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Share of male population with ages 15-24 that is able to read and write in the male population in the same age group, expressed in terms of percentage.
Literacy Rate, Ages 15-24, Total Percent Share of population with ages 15-24 that is able to read and write in the total population in the same age group, expressed in terms of percentage.
Prevalence of HIV, Female, % of Female Population, Ages 15-24 Percent Proportion of female population with ages 15-24 living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in female population with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Prevalence of HIV, Male, % of Male Population, Ages 15-24 Percent Proportion of male population with ages 15-24 living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in male population with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Prevalence of HIV, Total, % of Population, Ages 15-24 Percent Proportion of total population with ages 15-24 living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in total population with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Both Sexes Percent Proportion of population with ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment in young labour force with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Female Percent Proportion of women with ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment in young female labour force with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Unemployment Rate, Ages 15-24, Male Percent Proportion of men with ages 15-24 without work but available for and seeking employment in young male labour force with ages 15-24, expressed in terms of percentage.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Advanced Education Level, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 with advanced education levels (including short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor’s or equivalent level, master’s or equivalent level, and doctoral or equivalent level) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Advanced Education Level, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 with advanced education levels (including short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor’s or equivalent level, master’s or equivalent level, and doctoral or equivalent level) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Advanced Education Level, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 with advanced education levels (including short-cycle tertiary education, bachelor’s or equivalent level, master’s or equivalent level, and doctoral or equivalent level) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Attending School, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 with "attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Attending School, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 with "attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Attending School, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 with "attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Basic Education Level, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 with basic education levels (including primary education and lower secondary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Basic Education Level, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 with basic education levels (including primary education and lower secondary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Basic Education Level, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 with basic education levels (including primary education and lower secondary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Female, Rural (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 in rural areas that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Female, Urban (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 in urban areas that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Intermediate Education Level, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 with intermediate education levels (including upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Intermediate Education Level, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 with intermediate education levels (including upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Intermediate Education Level, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 with intermediate education levels (including upper secondary education and post-secondary non-tertiary education) that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Male, Rural (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 in rural areas that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Male, Urban (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 in urban areas that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Not Attending School, Female (in Thousands) Number Female population with ages 15-24 with "not attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Not Attending School, Male (in Thousands) Number Male population with ages 15-24 with "not attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Not Attending School, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 with "not attending school" status that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Total (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Total, Rural (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 in rural areas that is considered able and likely to work.
Youth Working-Age Population, Ages 15-24, Total, Urban (in Thousands) Number Total population with ages 15-24 in urban areas that is considered able and likely to work.