Indicator List of Category: PRIVATE SECTOR
Indicator Unit Definition
Dealing with Construction Permits, Cost, % of Warehouse Value Percent Proportion of all official costs associated with completing the procedures to legally build a warehouse (including the costs associated with obtaining land use approvals and preconstruction design clearances; receiving inspections before, during and after construction; obtaining utility connections; and registering the warehouse at the property registry) in the warehouse value, expressed in terms of percentage.
Dealing with Construction Permits, Procedures Number Interactions of the building company’s employees, managers, or any party acting on behalf of the company, with external parties, including government agencies, notaries, the land registry, the cadastre, utility companies and public inspectors - and the hiring of external private inspectors and technical experts where needed to build a warehouse.
Dealing with Construction Permits, Time Days Median duration that local experts indicate is necessary to complete procedures in practice to receive a construction permit, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Domestic Credit to the Private Sector, % of GDP Percent Proportion of financial resources provided to the private sector by financial corporations, such as through loans, purchases of nonequity securities, and trade credits and other accounts receivable, that establish a claim for repayment, in GDP, expressed in terms of percentage.
Enforcing Contracts, Cost, % of Claim Percent Ratio of average attorney fees, court costs and enforcement costs to the claim value of a contract, expressed in terms of percentage.
Enforcing Contracts, Time Days Average duration of the stages of dispute resolution including (i) filing and service; (ii) trial and judgment; (iii) enforcement, and waiting periods in between, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Getting Credit, Credit Bureau Coverage, % of Adults Percent Proportion of individuals (and firms) that are listed in a credit bureau’s database as of January 1 with information on their borrowing history from the past five years, and that have had no borrowing history in the past five years but for which a lender requested a credit report from the bureau in the previous calendar year in population with ages 15-64, expressed in terms of percentage.
Getting Credit, Credit Registry Coverage, % of Adults Percent Proportion of individuals (and firms) that are listed in a credit registry’s database as of January 1 with information on their borrowing history from the past five years, and that have had no borrowing history in the past five years but for which a lender requested a credit report from the registry in the previous calendar year in population with ages 15-64, expressed in terms of percentage.
Getting Electricity, Cost to Get Electricity, % of Income per Capita Percent Ratio of total median cost associated with completing the procedures to connect a warehouse to electricity (including those related to obtaining clearances from government agencies, applying for the connection, receiving inspections of both the site and the internal wiring, purchasing material, getting the actual connection works and paying a security deposit) to the income per capita, expressed in terms of percentage.
Getting Electricity, Procedures Number Interactions of the company’s employees or its main electrician or electrical engineer with external parties, such as the electricity distribution utility, electricity supply utilities, government agencies, electrical contractors and firms required in practice for businesses to obtain a new electrical connection.
Getting Electricity, Time Days Median duration that the electricity utility and private sector electricity experts indicate is necessary in practice to complete all procedures required to obtain a new electricity connection with minimum follow-up and no extra payments, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Private Sector, % of GDP Percent Share of gross outlays by the private sector (including private nonprofit agencies) on additions to its fixed domestic assets in GDP, expressed in terms of percentage.
New Business Density Ratio Number of newly registered limited liability corporations per calendar year, expressed in terms of per 1,000 people with ages 15-64.
Paying Taxes, Labour Tax and Contributions, % of Profit Percent Proportion of all government mandated labour contributions that are borne by the business in the second year of operation in its commercial profit, expressed in terms of percentage.
Paying Taxes, Other Taxes, % of Profit Percent Proportion of all other taxes and fees that are borne by the business in the second year of operation in its commercial profit, expressed in terms of percentage.
Paying Taxes, Payments per Year Number Total number of taxes and contributions paid, the method of payment, the frequency of payment, the frequency of filing and the number of agencies involved for the standardized case study company during the second year of operation.
Paying Taxes, Profit Tax, % of Profit Percent Proportion of the amount of income taxes borne by the business in the second year of operation in its commercial profit, expressed in terms of percentage.
Paying Taxes, Time Hours Time taken to prepare, file and pay three major types of taxes and contributions (corporate income tax, value added or sales tax and labor taxes, including payroll taxes and social contributions), expressed in terms of hours.
Paying Taxes, Total Tax Rate, % of Profit Percent Proportion of the amount of taxes and mandatory contributions borne by the business in the second year of operation in its commercial profit, expressed in terms of percentage.
Registering Property, Cost, % of Property Value Percent Proportion of total official costs associated with completing the procedures to transfer the property (including fees, transfer taxes, stamp duties and any other payment - borne by the buyer and seller - to the property registry, notaries, public agencies or lawyers) in the property value, expressed in terms of percentage.
Registering Property, Procedures Number Interactions that are legally or in practice required between the buyer, the seller or their agents (if required) and external parties, including government agencies, inspectors, notaries and lawyers to purchase a property from another business and to transfer the property title to the buyer’s name.
Registering Property, Time Days Median duration that property lawyers, notaries or registry officials indicate is necessary to obtain the property title, taking into account simultaneity of processes, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Resolving Insolvency, Cost, % of Estate Percent Proportion of the cost of the proceedings (including court fees and government levies, fees of insolvency administrators, auctioneers, assessors and lawyers, and all other fees and costs to resolve insolvency) in the value of the debtor’s estate, expressed in terms of percentage.
Resolving Insolvency, Recovery Rate (cents on the dollar) Ratio Value recovered by secured creditors through judicial reorganization, liquidation or debt enforcement (foreclosure or receivership) proceedings, expressed in terms of cents on the dollar.
Resolving Insolvency, Time Years Time required for creditors to recover their credit, expressed in terms of calendar years.
Starting a Business, Cost, % of Income per Capita, Men Percent Ratio of total cost required (including all official fees and fees for legal and professional services, if such services are required by law or commonly used in practice) for five male married entrepreneurs to complete the procedures to incorporate and operate a business to the income per capita, expressed in terms of percentage.
Starting a Business, Cost, % of Income per Capita, Women Percent Ratio of total cost required (including all official fees and fees for legal and professional services, if such services are required by law or commonly used in practice) for five female married entrepreneurs to complete the procedures to incorporate and operate a business to the income per capita, expressed in terms of percentage.
Starting a Business, Paid-in Minimum Capital, % of Income per Capita Percent Proportion of the amount that the entrepreneur needs to deposit in a bank or with a third-party before registration or up to three months after incorporation in income per capita, expressed in terms of percentage.
Starting a Business, Procedures Required, Men Number Interactions of the company founders (five male married entrepreneurs) required in practive with external parties to start and operate a local limited liability company.
Starting a Business, Procedures Required, Women Number Interactions of the company founders (five female married entrepreneurs) required in practive with external parties to start and operate a local limited liability company.
Starting a Business, Time, Men Days Median duration that business incorporation experts indicate is necessary for five male married entrepreneurs to complete all procedures required to start and operate a business with minimum follow-up and no extra payments, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Starting a Business, Time, Women Days Median duration that business incorporation experts indicate is necessary for five female married entrepreneurs to complete all procedures required to start and operate a business with minimum follow-up and no extra payments, expressed in terms of calendar days.
Time to Export Days Time associated with exporting a standardized cargo of goods by sea transport through 4 predefined stages (document preparation; customs clearance and inspections; inland transport and handling; and port and terminal handling), expressed in terms of calendar days.
Time to Export, Border Compliance Hours Time associated with compliance with the economy’s customs regulations and with regulations relating to other inspections that are mandatory in order for the export shipment to cross the economy’s border, as well as the time and cost for handling that takes place at its port or border, expressed in terms of hours.
Time to Export, Documentary Compliance Hours Time associated with compliance with the export documentary requirements of all government agencies of the origin economy, the destination economy and any transit economies, expressed in terms of hours.
Time to Import Days Time associated with importing a standardized cargo of goods by sea transport through 4 predefined stages (document preparation; customs clearance and inspections; inland transport and handling; and port and terminal handling), expressed in terms of calendar days.
Time to Import, Border Compliance Hours Time associated with compliance with the economy’s customs regulations and with regulations relating to other inspections that are mandatory in order for the import shipment to cross the economy’s border, as well as the time and cost for handling that takes place at its port or border, expressed in terms of hours.
Time to Import, Documentary Compliance Hours Time associated with compliance with the import documentary requirements of all government agencies of the origin economy, the destination economy and any transit economies, expressed in terms of hours.