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Tobacco Control in OIC
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Signatories/Parties to the WHO FCTC
Status of Implementation of WHO FCTC
Prevalence of Tobacco Use [Analysis]
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Country News
SESRIC Participated in the “Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program”

The Centre (SESRIC) was represented in the “Global Tobacco Control Leadership Program” in Baltimore, Maryland – United States, on 09-20 June 2014 by Mr. Ömercan Kulaklıkaya, Research Assistant. The programme was organised by Institute for Global Tobacco Control, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The programme was attended by 109 tobacco control advocates from 25 countries including some OIC member countries, namely Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Indonesia, Jordan, Pakistan, Sudan, Turkey and Uganda.

Push for a Smoke-free Hajj Pilgrimage - Saudi Arabia

It is not only in the bars of New York or bistros of Paris where smokers are being pushed to the sidelines and asked to step outside to light that cigarette. Now, Saudi Arabia's health ministry is launching a public campaign to make the holy cities of Mecca and Medina smoke-free during this year’s pilgrimage season.

Resource Documents
Fact Sheets
Tobacco Control in OIC Member Countries
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