5ème réunion du réseau de l’OCI sur la santé et la sécurité au travail (OIC-OSHNET)
Date: Indéterminé
Venue: Indéterminé -

La 5ème Réunion du Réseau de la Sécurité et de la Santé au Travail de l'OCI (OIC-OSHNET) sera conjointement organisée par le SESRIC, en sa qualité de Coordinateur Technique de l'OCI de l'OIC-OSHNET, et la Direction Générale de la Sécurité et de la Santé au Travail (DGOSH) du Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale de la République de Türkiye, en sa qualité de Secrétariat du Réseau, à travers une plateforme de vidéoconférence en ligne. La date de la réunion sera annoncée en temps utile.

The main objective of the Meeting is to bring together the national Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Institutions in the OIC Member Countries to review the outcomes of the activities conducted within the framework of the OIC-OSHNET Work Plan 2021-2022 and to discuss and elaborate on a new two-year Work Plan (2023-2024) of the Network. The Meeting will also provide a platform for the exchange of views and discussions on the capacity building needs of the national OSH Institutions concerning the relevant thematic areas of the new Work Plan.

The OIC-OSHNET was launched in 2011 in order to establish closer cooperation among the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Institutions of the OIC Member Countries through sharing knowledge, experience and best practices. SESRIC assumes the role of the OIC Technical Coordinator of the OIC-OSHNET and carries out a specific capacity building programme on OSH, namely, Occupational Safety and Health Capacity Building Programme (OSH-CaB), to support the efforts of the OIC Member Countries in improving workplace safety and health. For more details about the Network and its activities, please visit: https://oshnet.sesric.org/index.php