Latest Indicator Data of Category: INTERNATIONAL FINANCE Balance of Payments, Current Account Balance (Current Prices in Billions): -0.08 USD (2024) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Credit (Current Prices in Millions): 55.50 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Debit (Current Prices in Millions): 271.90 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Goods, Net (Current Prices in Millions): -216.39 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Credit (Current Prices in Millions): 109.84 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Debit (Current Prices in Millions): 208.04 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Current Account, Services, Net (Current Prices in Millions): -98.20 USD (2022) Timeplot Balance of Payments, External Trade, Goods, Value of Exports, Free on Board (FOB) (in Millions): 18.00 USD (2010) Timeplot Balance of Payments, External Trade, Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF) (in Millions): 190.00 USD (2010) Timeplot Balance of Payments, Trade Balance (in Millions): -172.00 USD (2010) Timeplot Current Account Balance, % of GDP: -0.56 Percent (2022) Timeplot Debt Service on External Debt, Total (Current Prices in Thousands): 4,794.35 USD (2022) Timeplot External Debt Stocks, Long-Term (Current Prices in Thousands): 309,811.01 USD (2022) Timeplot External Debt Stocks, Public and Publicly Guaranteed (Current Prices in Thousands): 309,811.01 USD (2022) Timeplot External Debt Stocks, Short-Term (Current Prices in Thousands): 1,564.58 USD (2022) Timeplot External Debt Stocks, Total (Current Prices in Thousands): 368,721.65 USD (2022) Timeplot External Debt Stocks, Use of IMF Credit (Current Prices in Thousands): 57,346.06 USD (2022) Timeplot Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Inward Flows (Current Prices in Millions): 5.00 USD (2023) Timeplot ODA: Development Food Aid (Current Prices in Millions): 1.52 USD (2022) Timeplot ODA: Grants, Total (Current Prices in Millions): 114.56 USD (2022) Timeplot ODA: Humanitarian Aid (Current Prices in Millions): 8.11 USD (2022) Timeplot ODA: Technical Cooperation (Current Prices in Millions): 19.29 USD (2022) Timeplot ODA: Total, Net (Current Prices in Millions): 137.28 USD (2022) Timeplot ODA: Total, Net per Capita (Current Prices): 164.57 USD (2022) Timeplot Rate of Exchange, per USD, End of Period: 445.22 National Currency Units (2023) Timeplot Rate of Exchange, per USD, Period Average: 454.99 National Currency Units (2023) Timeplot Total Reserves, excluding Gold (Current Prices in Thousands): 282,697.28 USD (2022) Timeplot Total Reserves, including Gold (Current Prices in Thousands): 283,746.12 USD (2022) Timeplot