SESRIC initiates and implements various capacity building training activities on a wide range of socio-economic issues of interest to the OIC Member States with a view to enhancing the capacities of their human resources through different modalities including training courses, training workshops and study visits.

Through its Capacity Building Programmes, SESRIC provides training opportunities by facilitating transfer and exchange of know-how, knowledge and experience among the national institutions of the OIC Member States. This is usually done through matching the needs and capacities of the national institutions of the OIC Member Countries. To match the needs and capacities in the Member States, the Centre regularly circulates the questionnaires on the relevant subjects and analyses these needs and capacities based on the responses of the relevant institutions in the Member States. Subsequently, the Centre matches these needs and capacities through facilitating sending experts from the countries which have the capacities to provide the needed training to those countries which need it.

Implementation Modalities

A training course is an intensive, short-term educational program that is collaboratively developed by SESRIC and a partnering national institution from the OIC Member Countries. It serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences among counterparts from various OIC countries in a specific capacity-building domain. In line with international standards, the training course is meticulously structured, ensuring a coherent learning path that enables participants to gradually build up skills and competencies in the chosen area. Each course is augmented with relevant, up-to-date, and context-specific learning materials and employs appropriate techniques to facilitate effective knowledge transfer.
A training workshop is an interactive, short-term capacity-building program provided by multiple institutions from the OIC member countries. To ensure a comprehensive and diversified learning experience, the workshop incorporates presentations from International Organizations and country-specific experiences. This collaborative learning environment encourages the exchange of ideas and best practices, fostering deeper understanding and promoting mutual learning among several OIC Member Countries.
A workshop is a highly interactive forum where participants from various OIC member countries and international organizations come together to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices on a particular topic. Unlike the training workshop, this modality is more discussion-oriented, with a focus on collaborative problem-solving and innovation. The outcome usually includes recommendations or reports that are presented at relevant OIC fora. This implementation modality is in line with international standards, emphasizing active engagement, real-world problem-solving, and knowledge creation.
A study visit offers an experiential learning opportunity wherein representatives from one to approximately five OIC member countries undertake a short visit to a relevant site, ministry, or national institution of another OIC member country. The aim is to directly benefit from their practical knowledge, technical expertise, and operational know-how on a specific topic. Such visits provide unique insights into operational strategies and hands-on applications that go beyond theoretical knowledge, thereby ensuring participants can translate learned strategies into practice.
A webinar is a flexible, digital platform for knowledge sharing and discussion on specific subjects. Leveraging the digital technology, this modality brings together stakeholders from different OIC member countries and international organizations, enabling them to participate regardless of their geographical location. Webinars typically involve presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions, offering a dynamic and engaging learning environment. They not only reduce logistical constraints but also allow a wider range of experts and participants to contribute to the learning process.

SESRIC currently organizes capacity building training activities under its 20 sector-specific capacity building programmes. The list of the active programmes is as follows:

  1. Agriculture and Food Security Capacity Building Programme (Agri-CaB) for more details
  2. Central Banks Capacity Building Programme (CB-CaB) for more details
  3. Competition Authorities Capacity Building Programme (CA-CaB) for more details
  4. Cotton Capacity Building Programme (Cotton-CaB) for more details
  5. Digital Transformation Capacity Building Programme (Digi-CaB) for more details
  6. Diplomacy Capacity Building Programme (Diplomacy-CaB) for more details
  7. Disaster Risk Management Capacity Building Programme (DRM-CaB) for more details
  8. Emerging Talents Capacity Building Programme (SET-CAB) for more details
  9. Environment Capacity Building Programme (Environment-CaB) for more details
  10. Halal Capacity Building Programme (HALAL-CaB) for more details
  11. IbnSina Health Capacity Building Programme (IbnSina-CaB) for more details
  12. Occupational Safety and Health Capacity Building Programme (OSH-CaB) for more details
  13. Palestine National Institutions Capacity Building Programme (PALESTINE-CaB) for more details
  14. Poverty Alleviation Capacity Building Programme (PA-CaB) for more details
  15. Public Audit Capacity Building Programme (PAU-CaB) for more details
  16. Public Employment Services Capacity Building Programme (PES-CaB) for more details
  17. Social Development Capacity Building Programme (SD-CaB) for more details
  18. Social Security Institutions Capacity Building Programme (SSI-CaB) for more details
  19. Stock Exchanges Capacity Building Programme (SE-CaB) for more details
  20. Tobacco Free OIC Capacity Building Programme (TF-CaB) for more details
  21. Tourism Capacity Building Programme (Tourism-CaB) for more details
  22. Transportation Capacity Building Programme (Transport-CaB) for more details
  23. Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB) for more details