Over the last two decades, a set of factors such as rapid urbanization, fast-paced globalization, multidimensional poverty, reduced job opportunities due to digitalization, social transformation towards more individualism, increased life expectancy, ageing population, increased pressure on natural resources, conflicts and disasters have led to an immense pressure on people in both developed and developing countries, including the OIC Member States. As a result, a growing number of people are facing an increasing number of challenges in accessing labour and financial markets, education institutions, housing and transportation, health and social protection systems, and cultural life that inhibits them from reaching their full potential and making desired contribution to the social development of their respective societies. Such longstanding barriers and difficulties exacerbate existing inequalities, trigger poverty, and deepen social exclusion by preventing some members of the society from fully benefiting from economic growth and inclusive development.

Achieving social development is a strategic objective for the OIC Member States, which is evident from the adopted resolutions and policy documents by the series of the OIC ministerial sectoral conferences. To achieve this strategic objective, many OIC Member States need to further their efforts to address the growing needs of vulnerable groups, as well as improving their well-being across all walks of life. This can be made possible, among others, by improving the institutional and human capacities of the national institutions working in the domain of social development.

Against this background, and considering the agenda of the OIC in the domain of social development, SESRIC has developed Social Development Capacity Building Programme (SD-CaB) in 2021 with the aim of supporting and contributing to the efforts of the OIC member countries towards enhancing the institutional and human capacities of their national institutions working in the fields of social development. This capacity building programme will also facilitate the transferring, sharing and exchanging of knowledge, experiences and best practices among the member countries in these important domains through various modalities such as training courses, training workshops and technical study visits.

►   Download the Concept Note (English) (Arabic) (French)

Questionnaire and Terms of Reference (ToR) Files

SESRIC urges all national institutions in the OIC Member States working in the domain of social development to participate in its Social Development Capacity Building Programme (SD-CaB). The valuable participation of the national institutions will help SESRIC to effectively plan and implement training activities, which will play an important role in enhancing the human capacities of their national institutions.

The national institutions in the OIC Member States working in the domain of social development are highly welcomed to download the related questionnaire, available in the three official languages of the OIC, from the links below and send the filled questionnaire to

►   Download the Questionnaire (English) (Arabic) (French)

The Terms of Reference need to be completed by the beneficiary institutions of the OIC Member States in order to identify the exact scope of the requested capacity building activities. The files can be downloaded from the links below:

►   Terms of Reference for Training Courses (English) (Arabic) (French)
►   Terms of Reference for Training Workshops (English) (Arabic) (French)
►   Terms of Reference for Study Visits (English) (Arabic) (French)

Register as an Expert

If you wish to be included in the Roster of Experts of the SESRIC Capacity Building Programmes (ROSCAB), please complete and submit the online registration form.

Please Click Here to access the ROSCAB registration page.

Main Subjects

Developing strategies on gender equality in education for sustainable development Ensuring equal access to affordable health care services Promoting a culture of social entrepreneurship
Enhancing the accessibility of quality formal and non-formal education for vulnerable groups.. Providing psychological support for victims of abuse and trauma… Establishing intra-OIC initiatives to enhance entrepreneurship for social development…
Developing effective, reliable, and affordable social protection services for vulnerable groups Developing laws and regulations against child labour Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 by enhancing social development policies
Improving the scope, accessibility, and delivery of social protection services… Fostering ICT policies for children and cyber-security awareness for child protection… Building resilience and improving capacities of national institutions to increase the effectiveness of COVID-19 related recovery mechanisms for social development…

Implemented Activities
Venue Date Information
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 04 February 2025 Virtual Workshop on ‘Developing Inclusive Education Programs in the Domain of Science and Technology in OIC-Africa Countries’
Virtual- Ankara Türkiye 12 December 2024 Webinar on ‘Navigating Family Challenges: Strengthening Bonds and Building Resilience’
SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara Türkiye 25-26 November 2024 Training Session on ‘Integrating OIC Youth Strategy into the National Programmes in OIC Member Countries’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 30-31 October 2024 Training Course on ‘Developing Women and Girls’ Employability Skills for Facilitating Labour Market Entry in OIC-Africa Countries’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 09-10 July 2024 Workshop on 'Empowering MSMEs in OIC Member Countries through Green Climate Finance'
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 30 May 2024 Webinar on ‘Good Practices in Preventing Discrimination at Work and Forced Labour’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 06-07 December 2023 Webinar on ‘Advocating Women's Rights within Family Laws: Best Practices in the OIC Member Countries’
Ankara Türkiye 12-13 September 2023 Workshop on ‘Best Practices on Promoting the Utilization of Integrated and Digital Technologies in Social Protection Systems in the OIC Countries’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 23-24 August 2023 Training Course on ‘Using Digital and Integrated Technologies in Delivering Social Protection and Assistance Programmes’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 16-17 August 2023 Training Course on ‘Enhancing Policies and Practices for Effective Digitization and Integrated Social Protection Systems’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 02-04 May 2023 Training Workshop on ‘Developing Effective, Reliable, and Affordable Social Protection Services for Vulnerable Groups’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 02-04 August 2022 Her Excellency Ms. Derya YANIK, Minister of Family and Social Services of the Republic of Türkiye, Addressed the Opening of the Workshop on ‘Enhancing the Capacities of National Institutions in the Field of Social Development in the OIC Member States’ Jointly Organised by SESRIC and the OIC General Secretariat
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 22-24 February 2022 SESRIC Organised the Training Workshop on ‘Protecting and Advancing Children's Rights Including the Ones with Disabilities’ in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Services of the Republic of Türkiye
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 08-10 February 2022 Her Excellency Ms. Derya YANIK, Minister of Family and Social Services of the Republic of Türkiye, Addressed the Opening of the Training Workshop on “Health and Social Care Policies towards Supporting Independent Living for People with Disabilities” Organised by SESRIC
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 06-08 December 2021 Training Course on ‘Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 08-11 March 2021 Training Course on ‘Advancement and Empowerment of Women’s Entrepreneurial Skills’
Virtual-SESRIC, Ankara Türkiye 23 December 2020 Webinar on ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Elderly People and Persons with Disabilities in the OIC Member States’