Meeting on Action #78 within the Framework of Istanbul International Finance Centre Programme
Date: 26 February 2016
Venue: Istanbul - Türkiye

The Participation Banks Association of Turkey organized the Meeting on Action #78 within the Framework of Istanbul International Finance Centre Programme on 26 February 2016 at its headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Atilla Karaman from the Statistics and Information Department represented the SESRIC at the Meeting.

The Istanbul International Finance Centre (IFC) Programme is one of the Priority Transformation Programmes of the Turkish Ministry of Development. Found under the Development of Participation Banking and Interest-Free Finance System component, Action #78 aims at “[i]ncreasing the number of academic papers in Turkish in the field of interest-free finance and establishing a database in this field”.

Being a follow-up of the previous one held in November 2015, the Meeting focused on the modalities for establishing the abovementioned database, translating into Turkish major works in the Islamic Banking and Finance literature, and establishing the incentive mechanism to increase the Islamic Banking and Finance literature to be produced in Turkish.

Besides TKBB and SESRIC, the Meeting was attended by the representatives of participation banks resident in Turkey, Sabahattin Zaim Univesity, Sakarya University, and Turkish Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBIM).

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