SESRIC, TIKA and the Ministry of Health of Turkey organised a Trainers Course on 'Disaster and Prehospital Medicine'
Date: 02-11 May 2018
Venue: Izmir - Türkiye

SESRIC, the Ministry of Health of Turkey and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), jointly organised a training of trainers course on “Disaster and Prehospital Medicine Training of Trainers” for the benefit of 30 selected experts devided on two groups from the Ministry of Health of Sudan. The training took place on 2-11 May 2018 at the International Urla Emergency Disaster Training and Simulation Centre in Izmir, Turkey and was preceded by 3 candidates’ selection trainings in Sudan.

Organised under “Thematic Area 5 on Emergency Health Response and Interventions” of the Strategic Health Programme of Action (SHPA) 2014-2023, the training course started with the welcoming remarks and a presentation delivered by SESRIC on OIC health cooperation structure and the project’s main objectives and purposes. During the course, the trainers candidates had the chance to learn the teaching skills and competencies needed to perform as a trainer and took active role in presenting all the training modules and practices. The course included as well visits to the “Educational and Research Hospital”, the “Helicopter Ambulance Unit” and the “Ambulance Station” and offered to all participants a real opportunity to start their careers as trainers. This training course will be followed by three pilot training programmes which will be carried out by trained Sudanese trainers and supervised by Turkish specialists in Sudan.

This training of training course is part of the implementation of a joint project between SESRIC, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, TİKA and the Ministry of Health of Sudan, that aims to strengthen the coordination and capacity building of OIC countries in preparedness and response to health ermergencies. Within the framework of this project, the first phase of the project including candidates’ selection trainings and trainings of trainers in both Sudan and Turkey was successfully implemented, and the first “Pilot Training Programme” to be carried by the trained Sudanese trainers and supervised by the Turkish specialists will be held on 15-21 July 2018 in Sudan.
