SESRIC Organised the Follow-up Meeting of the 11th Session of the OIC Statistical Commission as a Side Event of the 54th Session of UN Statistical Commission
Date: 02 March 2023
Venue: New York – USA

SESRIC, in its capacity as the Secretariat of the OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom), organised the Follow-up Meeting of the OIC-StatCom on 2 March 2023 as a side event of the 54th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in New York, USA. 32 delegates from 17 OIC member countries as well as United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and CDC Foundation attended the meeting.

The meeting started with opening remarks delivered by HE Mr. Nebil DABUR, Director General of SESRIC; and HE Dr. Naeem Uz ZAFAR, Chief Statistician of Pakistan Bureau of Statistics and Chair of the 11th Session of OIC-StatCom, through a video message. In its capacity as the Secretariat of the OIC-StatCom, SESRIC briefed the participants on the follow-up of the implementation of the Resolutions adopted at the 11th Session of the OIC-StatCom, which was organised in a hybrid format at its Headquarters in Ankara, Republic of Türkiye in October 2022, and the preparations for the upcoming 12th Session.

The participants discussed and agreed on the following issues:

  • The composition of the Bureau Members of the upcoming 12th Session of the OIC-StatCom, which reflects the geographical distribution of the three official groups of the OIC; namely, the African, the Arab, and the Asian groups as follows: Chair: Cameroon (OIC Africa Group); Vice-Chair: Saudi Arabia (OIC Arab Group); Vice-Chair: Malaysia (OIC Asia Group); Vice-Chair: Palestine (permanent); and Rapporteur: SESRIC (permanent).
  • The agenda items of the upcoming 12th Session of OIC-StatCom as follows:
  • 2020 Round of the World Population and Housing Census Programme: Usage of Geospatial Technologies in Support of Census Activities
  • Statistical Capacity Development: Good Practices for Better E-Learning Programmes in Official Statistics
  • Sustainable Development Goals: Monitoring and Reporting SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) Indicators
  • The date and the venue of the upcoming 12th Session of the OIC-StatCom as follows: Physical meeting in the 4th quarter of 2023 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Follow-up Meeting continued with an information session on the Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) and TQS-Youth Integration Project contributed by SESRIC, CDC, and CDC Foundation.

Following the side event, a meeting with the CDC and CDC Foundation was held to further the cooperation among the institutions especially concerning the extension of the project through 31 December 2024, OIC member countries’ engagement in the implementation of TQS and TQS-Youth integration project, and the Orientation Workshop on ‘TQS-Youth Integration Project’ that will be organised on 9-10 May 2023 in Ankara, Republic of Türkiye.



  • TQS and TQS-Youth (English)
  • TQS & TQS-Youth Integration Project in OIC Countries (English)
