SESRIC Organised an Invited Paper Session on the Margins of the 64th World Statistics Congress
Date: 20 July 2023
Venue: Ottawa – Canada

SESRIC organised an Invited Paper Session (IPS) on “Changing Role of Official Statistics amid Recent Global Developments: Why Data Culture Matters?” on the margins of 64th World Statistics Congress (WSC) on 20 July 2023 in Ottawa, Canada. The Session was attended by 17 WSC participants from different countries and international organisations.

The IPS organised by SESRIC aimed at highlighting the changing role of official statistics in the developing world amid the recent global crises and its implications; discussing the importance of data culture, data governance, data stewardship, and data strategy based on a strong and modernized statistical legislation and a well-coordinated national statistical system; and informing the attendees about the activities and plans of the organisations of the panellists with regards to instilling a data culture in their respective contexts.

Moderated by Dr. Atilla Karaman, Director of Statistics and Information at SESRIC, the Session hosted panellists including HE Dr. Mohd Uzir Mahidin, Chief Statistician of Malaysia; Dr. Areef Suleman, Director of Economic Research and Statistics at IsDB Institute; and Dr. Juraj Riecan, Former Director of Statistics Division at UNESCWA.

During the Session, the panellists covered both the theoretical and practical sides of data culture, how to instil data culture within national statistical systems through modernising statistical legislations and building up statistical coordination mechanisms, developing national data platforms (such as Open DOSM in Malaysia) to inculcate data culture in their respective countries, and the efforts of international organisations and multilateral development banks (SESRIC, IsDB, and UNESCWA) in contributing to the strengthening of data culture in their respective member countries.

The Session ended with a recap of the presentations delivered and a lively discussion segment that also focused on the integration of geospatial information in official statistics for a more comprehensive and robust data culture.

Apart from this IPS, SESRIC also participated in the following IPS on the margins of the 64th WSC held on 16-20 July 2023 in Ottawa, Canada:

  • IPS on “Fundamental Principles: Are They Still Relevant Today in the Current Data Ecosystem?” organised by International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS): On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FPOS), the session reviewed the history and relevance the FPOS. The panellists shared their views on the significance of the Principles, how they use them in their organizations, and exchanged their perspectives whether modifications are needed to make them more relevant.
  • IPS on “Mobilizing Statistical Innovation Through Academic Partnerships for More Efficient and Targeted Policies” by DataForNow Initiative, a project co-led by UNSD, World Bank, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, and Sustainable Development Solutions Network: The Session provided the opportunity to discuss the experiences and challenges faced by countries in adopting innovative approaches and facilitated an exchange between NSOs and academicians on the benefits of stronger collaboration between statistical systems and academia for better use of innovative methods that meet the national needs.
  • IPS on "Statistical Learning and Ethical Artificial Intelligence”: The panellists underlined that statistical community must examine the ethical principles together with good governance standards while exploring how to adapt them appropriately for realising the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI) as a force that improves lives. Additionally, the panellists highlighted that researchers must integrate fundamentally ethical aspects and responsible data use within their AI frameworks. The session discussed as well scientific concepts for fostering a responsible approach developing trustworthy AI systems.
  • IPS on “New Developments in Science Publishing in Official Statistics” organised by IAOS: The panellists discussed Open Data Movement and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) Publishing from the perspective of producers of official statistics as well as from the academic users’ perspective. The Session also shed light on how these developments in the coming years would affect publishing in official statistics including the future strategy and development of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, as well as other science publishing activities of the statistics community.
  • IPS on “Validating the Independence and Integrity of Statistics around the World”: The panellists addressed the question of how to organise quantification and monitoring of statistical independence and integrity from a global perspective. Ways and means to promote knowledge of professional ethics were also discussed with a focus on countries of the Global South and on improving statistical education.

The International Statistical Institute (ISI) is a professional association of statisticians founded in 1885. The ISI leads, supports, and promotes the development and good practice of statistics worldwide under the theme: Statistical Science for a Better World. The ISI is a non-profit, non-government organization with consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 1948. ISI publishes scientific journals and holds several international and regional events every year.

The ISI international flagship event is the biennial ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC), where several thousand participants from around the globe meet to exchange and explore new ideas and to network. Different countries host the WSC every two years.

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