SESRIC and Royal Society conducted fieldwork in Indonesia
Date: 19-23 March 2012
Venue: Jakarta - Indonesia

Atlas of Islamic-World Science and Innovation (AIWSI) is an international project that aims to provide an insightful overview of science and science-based innovation across the Islamic-world, an independent and authoritative assessment of how these capabilities are changing, and analysis of the opportunities and barriers to further progress across the selected countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Mr. Mustafa Sahin, Researcher at SESRIC, Mrs. Priya Shetty, Lead Researcher for ATLAS Indonesia Country Case, and Mrs. Susan Gillespie, Policy Adviser at Royal Society, conducted the fieldwork in Indonesia.

ATLAS delegation had meetings with State Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK) of the Republic of Indonesia, National Focal Point of the ATLAS project, to discuss the details of the project and coordinate the details of the work plan. The delegation also visited Indonesian Academy of Sciences.

The Lead Researcher Mrs. Shetty and Mr. Mustafa Sahin had a meeting with Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), National Research Partner of Indonesia case study. During the meeting, draft agenda of the second field work was discussed and it was agreed on that the second field work will take place on 1-21 June 2012.

Atlas delegation also visited the Eikman Centre where Prof. Herewati Sudoyo informed the participants on the research activities.