SESRIC Participated in the 54th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission
Date: 27 February - 03 March 2023
Venue: New York – USA

The SESRIC delegation headed by HE Mr. Nebil Dabur, Director General, and composed of Mr. Fadi Farasin, Assistant Director General, Dr. Atilla Karaman, Director of Statistics and Information Department, and Ms. Nenden Octavarulia Shanty, Senior Researcher, participated in the 54th Session of United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and its side events on 28 February - 3 March 2023 in New York - USA.

The 54th Session covered, among others, data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; social and economic statistics; national accounts; regional statistical development; environmental-economic accounting; Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics; statistical capacity development; national quality assurance frameworks; and big data.

On the margins of the 54th Session, SESRIC organized the Follow-Up Meeting of the OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom) on 2 March 2023. Moderated by HE Mr. Nebil Dabur, the meeting was attended by 32 representatives from 17 OIC Member Countries, 2 international organisations, and 2 partner institutions. The Follow-Up Meeting covered the implementation of the resolutions of 11th Session of OIC-StatCom and preparations for the 12th Session of OIC-StatCom including composition of the Bureau members, main agenda items, and date & venue. The Follow-Up Meeting continued with an information session on Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) and TQS-Youth contributed by the two partner institutions including CDC and CDC Foundation, and SESRIC.

Following the side event on 2 March 2023, a meeting with the CDC and CDC Foundation was held to further the cooperation among the institutions especially concerning the extension of the project through 31 December 2024, OIC member countries’ engagement in the implementation of TQS and TQS-Youth integration project, and the Orientation Workshop on ‘TQS-Youth Integration Project’ that will be organised on 9-10 May 2023 in Ankara, Republic of Türkiye.

On the third day of the Commission, SESRIC also made interventions on Agenda items 3(k) related to Statistical Capacity Development and 3(m) related to National Quality Assurance Frameworks (NQAF). In the interventions, the work between SESRIC and relevant UN agencies on the Coordination within National Statistical Systems, NQAF, and the use of the Generic Statistical Business Process Model (GSBPM) has been acknowledged. The intervention by SESRIC also supported the continuation of the long-standing cooperation between UN and OIC for the benefit of mutual member countries within the framework of the UN-OIC Cooperation Matrix; and Strategic Vision of the OIC Statistical Commission for 2030 and its Programme of Action.

In addition, SESRIC was a panel discussant in the UNSD Collaborative on Administrative Data side event on ‘Advances in Strengthening Administrative Data for Official Statistics’ on 27 February 2023. SESRIC briefed the participants on the role of SESRIC as the only OIC institution which has been mandated with official statistics, in the Collaborative and how the Collaborative can play a facilitating role in increasing the capacities of member countries in transforming their statistics production systems with data provided from the administrative registers.

Furthermore, SESRIC also participated in several side events held on the sidelines , including the annual meeting of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA), High-Level Forum on Official Statistics: Statistical Measures Beyond GDP, MPPN-OPHI side event on ‘Multidimensional Poverty Data: Post Pandemic Insights and Policy Applications’, INEGI-UNODC-UN Women side event on ‘Gender-Related Killings of Women and Girls (Femicides/ Feminicides): Operationalizing the Statistical Framework and Improving Responses’, UNCTAD side event on ‘New Framework to Measure South-South Cooperation in the Context of The 2030 Agenda’, and ‘UNSD GIST Side Event: What are NSOs Doing to Lead National Efforts to Increase Data Literacy?’.

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