Latest Indicator Data of Category: LABOUR AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Contributing Family Workers, % of Total Employment, Both Sexes: 3.80 Percent (2022) Timeplot Contributing Family Workers, % of Total Employment, Female: 6.50 Percent (2022) Timeplot Contributing Family Workers, % of Total Employment, Male: 2.90 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employees, % of Total Employment: 47.10 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employees, Female, % of Female Employment: 35.60 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employees, Male, % of Male Employment: 51.00 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employers, % of Total Employment: 2.70 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employers, Female, % of Female Employment: 2.00 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employers, Male, % of Male Employment: 3.00 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employment in Agriculture, % of Total Employment: 1.20 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employment in Agriculture, % of Total Employment, Female: 0.80 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employment in Industry, % of Total Employment: 6.00 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employment in Services, % of Total Employment: 92.90 Percent (2022) Timeplot Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15+, Both Sexes: 23.75 Percent (2024) Timeplot Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15+, Female: 11.87 Percent (2024) Timeplot Employment to Population Ratio, Ages 15+, Male: 36.03 Percent (2024) Timeplot Employment, Both Sexes (in Thousands): 192.40 Number (2024) Timeplot Employment, Female (in Thousands): 48.87 Number (2024) Timeplot Employment, Male (in Thousands): 143.53 Number (2024) Timeplot GDP per Person Employed, Constant 2017 PPP, Annual Change: 2.76 Percent (2021) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15+, Both Sexes: 32.10 Percent (2024) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15+, Female: 18.54 Percent (2024) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15+, Male: 46.11 Percent (2024) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-64, Both Sexes: 33.45 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-64, Female: 19.27 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 15-64, Male: 47.90 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 65+, Both Sexes: 11.80 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 65+, Female: 6.76 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force Participation Rate, Ages 65+, Male: 18.03 Percent (2022) Timeplot Labour Force, Female, % of Total Labour Force: 29.35 Percent (2024) Timeplot Labour Force, Male, % of Total Labour Force: 70.65 Percent (2024) Timeplot Labour Force, Total: 259,969.00 Number (2024) Timeplot Output per Worker (GDP Constant 2021 PPP): 31,150.69 USD (2023) Timeplot Own-Account Workers, % of Total Employment, Both Sexes: 46.40 Percent (2022) Timeplot Own-Account Workers, % of Total Employment, Female: 55.90 Percent (2022) Timeplot Own-Account Workers, % of Total Employment, Male: 43.20 Percent (2022) Timeplot Self-Employed, % of Total Employment: 52.90 Percent (2022) Timeplot Self-Employed, Female, % of Female Employment: 64.40 Percent (2022) Timeplot Self-Employed, Male, % of Male Employment: 49.00 Percent (2022) Timeplot Total Expenditure on Social Protection (excluding Health), % of GDP: 2.00 Percent (2020) Timeplot Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Both Sexes: 25.99 Percent (2024) Timeplot Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Female: 35.95 Percent (2024) Timeplot Unemployment Rate, Ages 15+, Male: 21.86 Percent (2024) Timeplot Vulnerable Employment, % of Total Employment: 50.20 Percent (2022) Timeplot Vulnerable Employment, Female, % of Female Employment: 62.40 Percent (2022) Timeplot Vulnerable Employment, Male, % of Male Employment: 46.10 Percent (2022) Timeplot