Task Force Meeting on Implementation of OSTAT Programme
Date: 12 October 2012
Venue: Ankara - Türkiye

The Task Force Meeting on Implementation of Accreditation Program for Statistical Professionals in OIC Member States (OSTAT) Programme was held on 12 October 2012 at the SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey. The meeting was hosted by SESRIC and attended by Dr. Nabeel Mohammed Shams, Director General of the Statistics Department at the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) of the Kingdom of Bahrain; Mr. Abu Camara, Statistician at the Data Resources and Statistics Department of the Islamic Development Bank; Mr. Hüseyin Hakan Eryetli, Director of Training and Technical Cooperation Department, SESRIC; Mrs. Münevver Nilgün Egemen, Senior Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; Mr. Atilla Karaman, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt Selçuk, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC; and Mr. Syed Tahir Mahmud, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, SESRIC. The objective of the meeting was to gather the basic stakeholders including the CIO of Bahrain, IDB and SESRIC to discuss the roles and responsibilities of the relevant organisations and other vital issues to be considered during the operationalization of proposed programme.

The agenda of the meeting included:

  • Review of activities realised under OIC-StatCom WG3: Development of the Accreditation and Certification Programme for the Official Statistics Professional
  • Structure of the Accreditation Committee
  • Review of estimated budget items
  • Review of future activities including tasks of Technical Committee of Experts (TCE) to Follow-up the Procedural Details of the Accreditation and Certification Programme for Official Statistical Professionals (OStat Programme)
  • Actions need to be taken to make OSTAT acceptable both at OIC and international level

During the meeting discussions were centred around:

  • how ISO 17024, an international standard for organisations wishing international recognition for the certification of the competence of individuals and describing general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons, can be applied to the Programme,
  • possible funding opportunities to allocate required budget for operationalization of proposed programme by considering the outcomes of the OIC-StatCom WG3 and to the extent of the Second Session of the OIC-StatCom decisions.


Presentation for the Task Force Meeting on Implementation of OSTAT Programme (English)
