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Training Course on 'Health Statistics' in Sudan
Date: 25-29 December 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Health Statistics' at Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Republic of the Sudan on 25-29 December 2016.

International students from TODAİE paid a visit to SESRIC
Date: 22 December 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC hosted a delegation of international students from Public Administration Institute for Turkey and Middle East (TODAİE) on 22 December 2016

Training Course on ''Cross Border Activities''
Date: 21-22 December 2016
Venue: Dhaka Bangladesh

SESRIC organised a two day long training course on “Cross Border Activities” at the venue of the Bangladesh Railway on 21-22 December 2016. Two experts from the Turkish State Railways (TCDD) conducted the course, with the participation of the staffs from the Mechanical, Traffic, Railway Police and Finance Departments of the Bangladesh Railway.

First Meeting of the Working Group on Preparation of Strategic Plan on OIC-VET
Date: 20-21 December 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC has organised the First Meeting of the Working Group on Preparation of Strategic Plan on OIC-VET in Ankara, Turkey on 20-21 December 2016. The objective of the Working Group was to develop the Roadmap and Terms of Reference (ToR) for the preparation of a comprehensive multinational strategic plan for OIC Member Countries, and was attended by senior experts, working in this specific area from TVET authorities from OIC Member Countries which are member of the working group, as well as the relevant OIC Institutions.

Fatwa on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) issued by IIFA
Date: 20 December 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

A fatwa concerning the importance of occupational safety and health for workers, the legitimacy of its goals, and the necessity of commitment to its standards and compulsion of applying its procedures has been issued by the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA). The fatwa is a further step towards realising the outcomes of the General Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), which was endorsed by the Third Islamic Conference of Labour Ministers (ICLM) held in Jakarta, Indonesia on 28-30 October 2015.

Training Course on ‘Money and Banking Statistics’ in Somalia
Date: 19-21 December 2016
Venue: Mogadishu Somalia

SESRIC organized the Training Course on “Money and Banking Statistics” at Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) during 19-21 December 2016.

‘Improving Occupational Health and Safety in Mauritania - Support for Legislation Development: Study Visit to Mauritania’
Date: 19-23 December 2016
Venue: Nouakchott Mauritania

SESRIC organised in collaboration with the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS) operating under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey (MoLSS) a study visit to the National Occupational Health Office (ONMT) in Nouakchott, Mauritania on 19-23 December 2016. The aim of this project was to improve Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) legislation structure of the state by utilizing the expertise of the DGOHS, as a resource center.

The Third International Seminar on Quality Assurance of Islamic Higher Education
Date: 17-20 December 2016
Venue: Indonesia

The Third International Seminar on Quality Assurance of Islamic Higher Education was hosted by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in collaboration with the Directorate General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Indonesia on 17-20 December 2016.

World Halal Summit & Helal Expo
Date: 15-17 December 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The World Halal Summit & Helal Expo was held on the sidelines of the 10th The Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) General Assembly Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey on 15-17 December 2016.

Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Tobacco Control Policies for OIC Member States
Date: 14-16 December 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

SESRIC jointly organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Turkey and the Turkish Green Crescent Society the “Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Tobacco Control Policies for OIC Member States ” in Istanbul, Turkey on 14-16 December 2016.

Meeting on ‘Scaling up and enhancing partnership for sustainable results among IDB Member Countries’
Date: 14-15 December 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

Islamic Development Bank (IDB) organised a meeting on “Scaling up and enhancing partnership for sustainable results among IDB Member Countries” in collaboration with the International and Technical Cooperation Agencies (I&TCA) at IDB Headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 14-15 December 2016.

Training Course on 'Future Prospects of Agroforestry in Sustainable Rural/Community Development'
Date: 13-16 December 2016
Venue: Banjul, Gambia

SESRIC organised a training course on “The Future Prospects of Agroforestry in Sustaınable Rural Development” within the framework of the Environmental Capacity Building Programme (Environment-CaB) in Banjul, Gambia on 13-15 of December 2016.

Workshop on ‘Sukuk and Islamic Liquidity Management’
Date: 12-14 December 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

Workshop on “Sukuk and Islamic Liquidity Management” was jointly organised by SESRIC, Istanbul School of Central Banking (İMB) and the World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center (GIFDC) on 12-14 December in Istanbul, Turkey.

Practical and Theoretical Training Course on ‘The Use of Advanced Technology in Cotton Production’
Date: 12-16 December 2016
Venue: Lahore and Multan-Pakistan

SESRIC organised s five days training course on “The Use of Advanced Technology in Cotton Production” within the framework of the OIC Cotton Capacity Building Programme (OIC-CTP) in Lahore and Multan, Pakistan on 12-16 of December 2016.

Jordanian NGOs paid a visit to SESRIC
Date: 08 December 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC hosted a delegation of Jordanian NGO representatives, within the framework of the Jordan Civil Society Capacity Development Programme of ORSAM, at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey on 08 December 2016.

Training Course on ‘Government Finance, Fiscal and Public Sector Statistics’ in Brunei
Date: 06-08 December 2016
Venue: Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Government Finance, Fiscal and Public Sector Statistics’ at Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE) of Brunei Darussalam on 6-8 December 2016.

15th Conference of the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)
Date: 06-08 December 2016
Venue: Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

The 15th Conference of the the International Association for Official Statistics (2016 IAOS) was hosted by the Statistics Centre of Abu Dhabi (SCAD) in Abu Dhabi, UAE on 6-8 December 2016.

2nd Session of the Annual Coordination Meeting of OIC Institutions (ACMOI)
Date: 04-05 December 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

The 2nd Session of the Annual Coordination Meeting of OIC Institutions (ACMOI) was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on 04-05 December 2016.The main aim of the meeting was to review and evaluate the status of implementation of all OIC resolutions, decisions and programs of actions, including the exchange of expertise and identification of required partnerships among the OIC Institutions.The meeting provided a great opportunity to follow-up the coordination and collaboration of the institutions operating under the OIC’s umbrella.

World Muslim Health Societies Congress
Date: 02-04 December 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The First International Muslim Health Communities Congress was held by Sağlık-Der in Istanbul, Turkey on 02-04 December 2016. The congress aimed to bring together Muslim NGOs which are active in healthcare fields in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the congress comprised discussions on the problems and solutions of Islamic world through different panels and conferences.

Consultation Meeting for the OIC Maternal Health and Child Survival Project
Date: 30 November - 01 December 2016
Venue: Casablanca Morocco

In line with Thematic Area 3 on “Maternal, New-born and Child Health and Nutrition” of the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action (OIC-SHPA), the Consultation Meeting for the OIC Maternal Health and Child Survival Project on “mobilisation of resources for scale-up interventions to improve maternal, new-born, and child care” was held in Casablanca, Morocco on 30 November -01 December.

Workshop on 'The Impact of Post-2015 Development Agenda on Education Statistics'
Date: 29-30 November 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC in collaboration with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) organised the Workshop on 'The Impact of Post-2015 Development Agenda on Education Statistics' in Ankara, Republic of Turkey on 29-30 November 2016.

Training Course on 'International Trade Statistics' in Benin
Date: 29 November - 02 December 2016
Venue: Cotonou Benin

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the training course on ‘International Trade Statistics' at National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) of Republic of Benin on 29 November-02 December 2016

Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics’ in Sudan
Date: 28 November - 01 December 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics’ at Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Sudan on 28 November-01 December 2016.

Training Course on 'Information Society Statistics' in Kazakhstan
Date: 28-30 November 2016
Venue: Astana Kazakhstan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Information Society Statistics' at the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 28-30 November 2016.

Training Course on ‘Government Finance, Fiscal, and Public Sector Statistics’ in Bangladesh
Date: 28-30 November 2016
Venue: Dhaka Bangladesh

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organized the Training Course on ‘Government Finance, Fiscal, and Public Sector Statistics' at Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) of People’s Republic of Bangladesh on 28-30 November 2016.

SESRIC participated in the Palestine Resilience Conference
Date: 24-25 November 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

The Palestine Resilience Conference (PRC) 2016 was organized jointly by the Government of Palestine and the United Nations Development Programme/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) and hosted by the Government of Jordan in the Capital Amman on 24-25 November 2016. The PRC 2016 is a unique space where practitioners, donors, government actors, non-government actors, and the private sector met to think-plan-deliver on how to influence resilience-based programming across the State of Palestine. Since the occupation in 1967, the international assistance program has been actively engaged in both development and humanitarian efforts to support the basic needs and rights of the Palestinian people. However, as the Israeli occupation approaches its 50th year, and the blockade of Gaza its 11th year, stakeholders are concerned about the overall impact of continued violence, conflict, and de-development.

Training Course on 'Outbound Tourism Statistics' in Azerbaijan
Date: 23-24 November 2016
Venue: Baku Azerbaijan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on 'Outbound Tourism Statistics' at the State Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 23-24 November 2016.

Training Course on 'Inbound Tourism Statistics' in Azerbaijan
Date: 21-22 November 2016
Venue: Baku Azerbaijan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Inbound Tourism Statistics' at the State Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 21-22 November 2016.

Training Course on ‘Environment Statistics’ in Bangladesh
Date: 21-24 November 2016
Venue: Dhaka Bangladesh

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Environment Statistics' at Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) of People’s Republic of Bangladesh on 21-24 November 2016.

The 32nd Ministerial Session of the COMCEC was convened
Date: 21-24 November 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 32nd Ministerial Session of the COMCEC was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 21-24 November 2016. The Session, which was chaired by H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of the Republic of Turkey, was attended by the delegates of OIC Member States and relevant OIC, regional and international institutions.

Training Course on ‘Formulation of Monetary Policy’ in Jordan
Date: 20-24 November 2016
Venue: Amman-Jordan

SESRIC has organised a five-day training course on “Formulation of Monetary Policy” at Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) on 20-24 November 2016.

Training Workshop on Vaccine Management System
Date: 15-18 November 2016
Venue: Bandung Indonesia

The Training Workshop on Vaccine Management System targeting vaccine manufacturers and regulators was held at the Headquarters of M/S Bio Farma in Bandung, Indonesia on 15-18 November 2016. This Training Workshop was organised to assist the OIC Member States in enhancing their capabilities in the area of regulation and production of Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI).

Second Workshop on Cooperation and Expertise Sharing among Trade Registry Agencies of the OIC Member States
Date: 15-17 November 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Second Workshop on Cooperation and Expertise Sharing among Trade Registry Agencies of the OIC Member States was held in Ankara, Turkey on 15-17 November 2016. The workshop was organised by Ministry of Customs and Trade and Ministry of Development of the Republic of Turkey.

Workshop on ‘The Future of Tourism Development in Konya’
Date: 15-16 November 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

SESRIC, ICDT and Konya Metropolitan Municipality jointly organised a two days long workshop on “The Future of Tourism Development in Konya” in Konya, Republic of Turkey on 15-16 November 2016. With respect to the rich cultural and touristic resources of Konya, this event was a good opportunity for the participants from different national and international organisations to discuss and debate on different aspects and dimensions concerning the tourism development and its future ahead in this city.

Third Meeting on Vaccine Manufacturers Group
Date: 14-15 November 2016
Venue: Bandung Indonesia

The Third Meeting on Vaccine Manufacturers Group was held at the Headquarters of M/S Bio Farma in Bandung, Indonesia on 14-15 November 2016. This meeting had inter-alia, review the status of implementation of the Short, Medium and Long Term Plan of Action towards self-reliance in production and supply of vaccines among OIC Member States.

8th Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Date: 14-15 November 2016
Venue: Bamako Mali

8th Islamic Conference of Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research took place in Bamako, Mali on 14-15 November 2016. The Conference brought together the ministers of higher education and scientific research of the OIC Member States as well as representatives from OIC and other international institutions to discuss various important issues pertaining to higher education and scientific research in the member countries.

Training Course on ‘Diversification of Agro-Forestry and Reforestation’
Date: 13-14 November 2016
Venue: Male Maldives

SESRIC organised a Training Course on “Diversification of Agro-Forestry and Reforestation” within the framework of the Environment Capacity Building Programme (Environment-CaB) in Male, Maldives on 14-15 November 2016.

International Migration and Security Conference: International Mass Migration and City
Date: 11-13 November 2016
Venue: Antalya Türkiye

The Institute of Security Studies and Immigration organised the First International Migration and Security Conference under the theme of “International Mass Migration and City" in Antalya, Turkey on 11-13 November 2016.

Training Workshop on ‘How to Develop, Operate and Sustain Islamic Microfinance Institutions’
Date: 10-11 November 2016
Venue: Nairobi - Kenya

SESRIC organised a training workshop on “How to Develop, Operate and Sustain Islamic Microfinance Institutions” in Nairobi, Kenya on 10-11 November 2016 in collaboration with AlHuda Centre of Islamic Banking & Economics (CIBE) and Akhuwat-Islamic Microfinance, as a post event of the Sixth Global Islamic Microfinance Forum held during 8-9 November at the same venue which was attended by more than 100 participants.

Seventh Annual Middle East/North Africa Tax Forum in Turkey
Date: 08-10 November 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Seventh Annual Middle East/North Africa Tax Forum was held in Ankara, Turkey on 8-10 November 2016. The Forum was jointly organised by Revenue Administration, Ministry of Finance of Turkey and International Tax and Investment Center (ITIC).

Training Course on ‘Valuation of Start-up Companies’ in Azerbaijan
Date: 07-08 November 2016
Venue: Baku Azerbaijan

SESRIC organised the training course on "Valuation of Start-up Companies" at Baku Stock Exchange (BSE) of Republic of Azerbaijan on 7-8 November 2016.

Technical Training Workshop on ‘Confined Spaces’
Date: 07-11 November 2016
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

In collaboration with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOHS) operating under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia, SESRIC organised the practical and technical training course on "Confined Spaces" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 7-11 November 2016. The event aimed to form basis for mutual knowledge and experience sharing among member countries, and brought together 18 technical experts of 10 Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) authorities of the OIC Member Countries, namely, Albania, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Jordan, Mauritania, Oman, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey and Uganda.

SESRIC signed MoU with GCC-STAT
Date: 06 November 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Statistical Centre for the Cooperation of the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCC-STAT) to initiate and facilitate collaboration and cooperation between two institutions in the area of statistics.

Sixth Session of OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom)
Date: 05-06 November 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

The Sixth Session of the Statistical Commission of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC-StatCom) was organised by SESRIC in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) on 5-6 November 2016 in Konya, Republic of Turkey with the participation of 65 delegates from the National Statistical Offices (NSOs) of 34 OIC Member Countries, including Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Gambia, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, Suriname, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, and Uganda, and regional, supranational and international organizations including OIC General Secretariat, SESRIC, IDB, Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance, Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO), Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat), Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCCStat), International Labour Organisation (ILO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA).

Expert Group and Roundtable Meetings on ‘Peer Reviews for National Statistical Offices in the OIC Member Countries (OIC-Peer)’
Date: 03-04 November 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on ‘Peer Reviews for National Statistical Offices in the OIC Member Countries (OIC-Peer)' was organised by SESRIC on 3 November 2016 in Konya, Republic of Turkey. The Meeting has the objectives to introduce the Peer Reviews mechanisms in the world including the methodology of different methods, to receive recommendations and inputs on the OIC-Peer project, and to discuss the way forward.

Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of Arab Statistics Initiative
Date: 02-03 November 2016
Venue: Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

The 3rd meeting of the Steering Committee of the “Arabstat” Initiative was organised by the Arab Monetary Fund (AMF ) in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates ) on 2-3 November 2016. Mr. Syed Tahir Mahmud, Researcher at Statistics and Information Department represented SESRIC thereat.

Study Visit on 'Agriculture Statistics' in Turkey
Date: 02-04 November 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Study Visit on ‘Agriculture Statistics’ for the benefit of the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (NSC) on 2-4 November 2016. The study visit was hosted by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat).

6th Session of the Ministerial Conference on Women’s Role in the Development of OIC Member States
Date: 01-03 November 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 6th Session of the Ministerial Conference on Women’s Role in the Development of OIC Member States was hosted by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey in Istanbul, Turkey on 1-3 November 2016 under the theme ‘’Women’s Status in the OIC Member States in the Light of the Current Challenges’’.

On-site Training on ‘System of Predicting Financial Crisis based on Macroeconomic Indicators’
Date: 01-18 November 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised an on-site training on “System of Predicting Financial Crisis based on Macroeconomic Indicators” in the case of the Kyrgyz Republic in collaboration with the Istanbul School of Central Banking (IMB) of Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT). The 3-week on-site training was supervised by Dr. Pınar Özlü, Head of Research and Monetary Policy Department of CBRT on 01-18 November 2016 with the attendance of an expert from the Economic Modelling Division of Economic Research Department at the Central Bank of Kyrgyz Republic (CBKR).

The Global South-South Development (GSSD) EXPO 2016
Date: 31 October - 04 November 2016
Venue: Dubai United Arab Emirates

The Government of U.A.E. hosted the eighth annual Global South-South Development Expo 2016 in Dubai from October 31 to November 3 2016. The EXPO was organised by the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) in conjunction with more than 20 UN agencies and other international partners.

Training Workshop on ‘Macroprudential Analysis & Policy Framework’ in Malaysia
Date: 31 October - 04 November 2016
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

SESRIC organised, in collaboration with the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Central Bank of Malaysia, the Training Workshop on “Macroprudential Analysis & Policy Framework” in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 31 October - 4 November 2016. 25 middle level officials from central banks and regulatory agencies involved in assessing financial system risk and maintaining financial system stability have participated in the programme.

The OIC Member States' Stock Exchanges Forum
Date: 27 October 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 10th Meeting of the OIC Member States’ Stock Exchanges Forum was held in Istanbul on 27 October 2016. The meeting provided a platform to discuss, among others, central sharia boards, real estate certificates, developing market for Islamic depository receipts and ETFs.

5th Meeting of the COMCEC Capital Markets Regulators Forum
Date: 27 October 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 5th Meeting of the COMCEC Capital Markets Regulators Forum was held in Istanbul, Turkey on 27 October 2016. The meeting shared and reviewed the initiatives of the Forum’s Task Forces in 2016 along with discussions on financial cooperation possibilities as well as the future work programme of the Forum.

Training Course on 'Gender Statistics' in Togo
Date: 26-28 October 2016
Venue: Lomé Togo

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Gender Statistics' at National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of Togo on 26-28 October 2016.

Conference on Employment of Persons with Disabilities in OIC Member Countries
Date: 26-28 October 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

SESRIC organised a conference on “Employment of Persons with Disabilities in OIC Member Countries” in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey in Istanbul, Turkey on 26-28 October 2016. The main objective of the conference was to raise awareness and sharing knowledge and best practices in the area of employment of persons with disabilities.

Training Course on 'Agricultural Statistics' in Sudan
Date: 23-27 October 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Agricultural Statistics' at Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) of Sudan on 23-27 October 2016.

Training Course on ‘Eurotrace Software’ in Bahrain
Date: 23-27 October 2016
Venue: Manama Bahrain

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Eurotrace Software’ at Information and eGovernment Authority of Kingdom of Bahrain on 23-27 October 2016.

Training Course on ‘Organisational Development’ in Guinea
Date: 19-20 October 2016
Venue: Conakry-Guinea

SESRIC organised the Training Course on “Organisational Development (HRM, Governance, Strategic Planning)” at the Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea (BCRG) on 19-20 October 2016.

Study Visit on ‘Commerce, Industries, Quality Control and Protocol Control’
Date: 18-20 October 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised the Study Visit on “Commerce, Industries, Quality Control and Protocol Control” in Ankara, Turkey during 18-20 October 2016 for the benefit of Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

The Republic of Uzbekistan Hosted the 43rd Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Tashkent on 18-19 October 2016
Date: 18-19 October 2016
Venue: Tashkent Uzbekistan

The 43rd Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was hosted by the Republic of Uzbekistan and held in Tashkent on 18-19 October 2016 under the theme “EDUCATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT - PATH TO PEACE AND CREATIVITY”. The meeting came at a time when various critical issues and conflicts are currently affecting the region of the OIC member countries and the Muslim world as a whole.

Study Visit on 'Living Conditions and Poverty Statistics' to Jordan
Date: 17-20 October 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Study Visit on ‘Living Conditions and Poverty Statistics’ for the benefit of the Libyan Bureau of Statistics and Census (BSC) on 17-20 October 2016. The study visit was hosted by the Department of Statistics of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Study Visit on 'Agricultural Censuses and Registers' in Jordan
Date: 17-20 October 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Study Visit on ‘Agricultural Censuses and Registers’ for the benefit of the Libyan Bureau of Statistics and Census (BSC) on 17-20 October 2016. The study visit was hosted by the Department of Statistics of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Forum for Industrial Information & Statistics in the Arab Countries (FIISAC): The Role of Statistical Information in Decision-Making
Date: 17-19 October 2016
Venue: Muscat Oman

The Arab industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO) in collaboration with the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI) of the Sultanate Oman organised the Forum for Industrial Information and Statistics in the Arab Countries (FIISAC) in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman on 17-19 October 2016. Inaugurated at the Majlis Oman by H.E. Sultan bin Salim Al Habsi, Secretary-General, Supreme Council for Planning of the Sultanate of Oman, the Forum was attended by 80 participants from the Arab countries.

International Symposium on ‘Trade Unionism in the Islamic World’
Date: 13-14 October 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

SESRIC and Confederation of Public Servants Trade Unions (MEMUR-SEN) jointly organised an international symposium on “Trade Unionism in the Islamic World” in Istanbul, Turkey on 13-14 October 2016.

Training Workshop on ‘Corporate Governance and Internal Audit’ in Brunei Darussalam
Date: 11-13 October 2016
Venue: Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

SESRIC organised, in collaboration with the Centre for Islamic Banking, Finance and Management (CIBFM) of Monetary Authority of Brunei Darussalam (AMBD), and the Association of National Development Finance Institutions in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (ADFIMI) the training workshop on “Corporate Governance and Internal Audit” in Brunei Darussalam on 11-13 October 2016.

Arab Forum on Building Statistical Capacity for a Data Revolution
Date: 10-11 October 2016
Venue: Doha Qatar

The Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics of the State of Qatar in collaboration with the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) and the Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCC-Stat) organised the Arab Forum on Building Statistical Capacity for a Data Revolution on 10-11 October 2016 in Doha, State of Qatar. Inaugurated by HE Dr. Saleh al-Nabit, Minister of Development Planning and Statistics of the State of Qatar, the Forum was attended by more than 150 representatives from international and regional institutions national statistical offices (NSOs), academia, research institutes and business community.

Training Course on 'Information Society Statistics' in Mauritania
Date: 10-13 October 2016
Venue: Nouakchott Mauritania

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC will organise the Training Course on 'Information Society Statistics' at National Statistical Office (ONS) of Mauritania on 10-13 October 2016.

Stakeholders Meeting on ‘Developing Islamic Financial Industry Database of OIC Member Countries’
Date: 09 October 2016
Venue: Washington DC-USA

The Stakeholders Meeting on SESRIC Project titled ‘Developing Islamic Financial Industry Database of OIC Member Countries’ was organised by SESRIC in collaboration with the World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center on 9 October 2016 in the margins of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Washington DC, USA. High level representatives of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) and World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center participated in the meeting. Mr. Nabil Dabour, Assistant Director General of SESRIC, Mrs. Zehra Zumrut Selcuk, Director of Statistics and Information Department and Dr. Nihat Gumus, Project Consultant represented the Centre thereat.

Third Session of Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers
Date: 05-07 October 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Third Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (ICYSM) was held on 5-7 October 2016 in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on the theme of “Empowerment of Youth for Peace, Solidarity and Development”. The Conference provided a rich opportunity to debate the various issues and challenges pertaining to youth empowerment, participation in peace making and building solidarity, along with youth contribution to sustainable development. The Conference also considered how sport could be a vehicle for widening the horizon of young people and giving them the opportunity to meet, connect and exchange ideas within the scope, frame and objectives set out in the “OIC Strategic Plan of Action 2025”. During the Conference, SESRIC made a presentation on the State of Youth in OIC Member Countries.

Training Course on ‘Using Molecular Techniques for Cotton Breeding’
Date: 04-05 October 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

SESRIC organised a Training Course on “Using Molecular Techniques for Cotton Breeding” within the framework of the OIC Cotton Training Programme (OIC-CTP) in Khartoum, Sudan on 04-05 October 2016. The course was provided by Prof. Dr. Tayyab Husanain and Prof. Dr. Idrees Ahmad Nasir, from Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Pakistan. The target group of this training course were experts from University of Khartoum, University of Bahri, Omdurman Islamic University, Al Zaiem Alazhari University, University of Bakht Al-Ruda Al-Dewaym, Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) Sudan and National Referral Center of Sudan.

Special Session on ‘Intra-OIC Cooperation for the Implementation of SDGS in OIC Member Countries’
Date: 03 October 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

Considering the importance of Sustainable Development Goals and their implementation, SESRIC organised a Special Session on this subject with the theme of “Intra-OIC cooperation for the implementation of SDGs in OIC Member Countries” in its Headquarter in Ankara, Turkey on 03 October 2016.

Workshop on The Role of Women in the Development of OIC Member States
Date: 03-04 October 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised in coordination with the OIC General Secretariat a Workshop on “The Role of Women in the Development Of OIC Member States” in Ankara, Turkey on 03-04 October 2016, where senior officials from related ministries and OIC Institutions discussed the issues related to the empowerment of women to enable them efficient participation in the development of Muslim Societies.

The 1st Meeting of the Working Group on Islamic Tourism
Date: 29 September 2016
Venue: Padang Indonesia

During the 9th Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM), held in Niamey, Republic of Niger on 21-23 December 2015 a Resolution was adopted on Tourism Development among the OIC Member States, under which the ICTM decided to establish a Working Group on Islamic Tourism, which comprises of the Republic of Indonesia (Coordinator), People’s Republic of Bangladesh, SESRIC, SMIIC and IUT.

Twenty Eighth Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA)
Date: 29-30 September 2016
Venue: Paris-France

The Twenty Eighth Session of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA), a forum with 45 members that promotes inter-agency coordination and cooperation on statistical programmes and consistency in statistical practices and development, was held at OECD in Paris, France on 29 - 30 September 2016. H.E. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General, and Mrs. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Director of Statistics and Information Department represented the Centre thereat.

SESRIC signed MoU with International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Paris
Date: 29 September 2016
Venue: Paris-France

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to initiate and facilitate collaboration and cooperation between two institutions in matters of common interest and to establish the necessary arrangements for implementation by providing an operational framework. The MoU was signed by H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, and Rafael Diez de Medina, Director of Department Statistics of ILO in Paris, France on 29 September 2016.

Training Course on 'Science, Technology, and Innovation Statistics' in Azerbaijan
Date: 27-28 September 2016
Venue: Baku Azerbaijan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Science, Technology, and Innovation Statistics' at the State Statistical Committee (SSC) of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 27-28 September 2016.

SESRIC celebrated the OIC Day at its Headquarters in Ankara
Date: 27 September 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised a reception at its Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey on 27th September 2016 on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the establishment of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The reception has been attended by Ambassadors of the OIC Member Countries and high-level officials from both national and international institutions in Ankara.

Second Meeting of the OIC Public Employment Services Network
Date: 27-28 September 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Second Meeting of the OIC Public Employment Services Network was held in Ankara on 27-28 September. The main objective of the meeting was to review the progress achieved since the first meeting and to explore innovative cooperation opportunities among respective authorities in member countries.

Technical Mission on 'Transport Statistics' to Kazakhstan
Date: 26-30 September 2016
Venue: Astana Kazakhstan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Technical Mission on 'Transport Statistics' to the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economics of the Republic of Kazakhstan on 26-30 September 2016.

Study Visit on 'Health Statistics' in Tunisia
Date: 26-29 September 2016
Venue: Tunis Tunisia

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Study Visit on ‘Health Statistics’ at the National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Republic of Tunisia on 26-29 September 2016.

Training Course on ‘Agricultural Surveys’ in Pakistan
Date: 20-22 September 2016
Venue: Islamabad Pakistan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Agricultural Surveys' at Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 20-22 September 2016.

Training Course on ‘International Trade Statistics’ in Brunei
Date: 20-22 September 2016
Venue: Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘International Trade Statistics’ at Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE) of Brunei Darussalam on 20-22 September 2016.

Training Course on ‘Agricultural Surveys’ in Gambia
Date: 20-22 September 2016
Venue: Serre Kunda Gambia

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Agricultural Surveys’ at Gambia Bureau of Statistics on 20-22 September 2016.

Training Workshop on ‘Liquidity Management for Islamic Banks’ in Malaysia
Date: 19-23 September 2016
Venue: Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

SESRIC organised the Training Workshop on “Liquidity Management for Islamic Banks” in Malaysia in collaboration with the Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Central Bank of Malaysia, at the premises of BNM in Kuala Lumpur on 19-23 September 2016. Officials from central banks or regulatory agencies involved in supervising or developing regulatory framework for Islamic banks were the main target audience of the programme.

Training Course on 'Labour Statistics' in Togo
Date: 13-15 September 2016
Venue: Lomé Togo

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on 'Labour Statistics' at National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of the Republic of Togo on 13-15 September 2016.

Certification Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting of the OIC Certification and Accreditation Programme for Official Statisticians (OIC-CPOS)
Date: 07-08 September 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Certification Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting of the OIC Certification and Accreditation Programme for Official Statisticians (OIC-CPOS) was organised on 7-8 September 2016 at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Republic of Turkey.

Training Course on ‘Risk Management in Islamic Financial Institutions’ in Kazakhstan
Date: 07-08 September 2016
Venue: Almaty Kazakhstan

SESRIC has organised a Training Course on “Risk Management in Islamic Financial Institutions” at the Academy of Regional Financial Center of Almaty of National Bank of Kazakhstan (NBK) on 7-8 September 2016. Senior specialists and heads of divisions in accounting and banking supervision departments of NBK and also the representatives of the National Bank of Tajikistan and the National Bank of the of Kyrgyz Republic attended the course.

Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’ in Brunei
Date: 06-08 September 2016
Venue: Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’ at Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE) of Brunei Darussalam on 6-8 September 2016.

Study Visit on ‘Enhancing the Medical Teaching Environment for The Gambia’
Date: 05-09 September 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

A study visit for the representatives of the School of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences at the University of the Gambia (SMAHS) was held in Ankara on 05-09 September 2016. The study visit was a sub-component the multipartite project titled “Capacity Development of The School of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences at The University of The Gambia”, which aims to build a strong interdisciplinary research culture, generating knowledge in allied health sciences and translating knowledge to address and sustain the need of having enough and qualified national doctors and lecturers in The Gambia.

Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics’ in Mauritania
Date: 05-08 September 2016
Venue: Nouakchott Mauritania

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Transport Statistics' at National Statistical Office (ONS) of Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 5-8 September 2016.

Training Course on ‘Living Conditions and Poverty Statistics’ in Qatar
Date: 04-08 September 2016
Venue: Doha Qatar

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Living Conditions and Poverty Statistics’ at Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics (MDPS) of State of Qatar on 4-8 September 2016.

International Joint Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance (IJCIEF)
Date: 01-03 September 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

International Joint Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance (IJCIEF) was organised collaboratively by the Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Sakarya University, Durham University and Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB), with the support of SESRIC, Central Bank of Republic of Turkey and Borsa Istanbul) in Istanbul, Turkey on 1-3 September 2016.

Training Course on ‘Agriculture Statistics’ in Egypt
Date: 29-31 August 2016
Venue: Cairo Egypt

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Agriculture Statistics’ at Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Arab Republic of Egypt on 29-31 August 2016.

Third Summer School on Islamic Economics and Finance
Date: 27-31 August 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Third Summer School on Islamic Economics and Finance was jointly organised by SESRIC and Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, International Research and Study Centre of Islamic Economics and Finance (IRCIEF) in Istanbul, Turkey during 27-31 August 2016.

Training Course on ‘Tourism Statistics’ in Gambia
Date: 24-26 August 2016
Venue: Serre Kunda Gambia

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Tourism Statistics’ at Gambia Bureau of Statistics on 24-26 August 2016.

SESRIC signed MoU with the Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET)
Date: 17 August 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

SESRIC and the Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to initiate and facilitate collaboration between both organisations in matters of mutual interest and to establish necessary modalities for their implementation. The MoU was signed by H.E. Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, and Dr. Mohannad Al-Nsour, Executive Director of EMPHNET in Amman, Jordan on 17 August 2016.

OIC RMNCH Network Expert Group Meeting
Date: 16-17 August 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

In line with Thematic Area 3 on “Maternal, New-born and Child Health and Nutrition” of the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action (OIC-SHPA), the 2nd OIC RMNCH Network Expert Group Meeting was held in Amman, Jordan on 16-17 August 2016. The aim of the meeting was to review the RMNCH component of the OIC SHPA (2014-2023) in the light of the 2030 SDGs agenda and present a road map for the way forward.

Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’ in Uzbekistan
Date: 16-19 August 2016
Venue: Tashkent Uzbekistan

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’ at State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics on 16-19 August 2016.

NCD Alliance/WHO EMRO Capacity Development Workshop
Date: 15-16 August 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO) organised a Capacity Development workshop, in collaboration with the NCD Alliance in Amman, Jordan, on 15-16 August 2016. The workshop was held in line with the recommendation of the Regional Meeting on Strengthening Partnership with Civil Society Organisations for the Prevention and Control of NCDs, held in Cairo, Egypt, on 1-2 September 2015, which recommends developing and conducting capacity-building training workshops for civil society organisations in the Eastern Mediterranean Region to assist in building the capacity of EMR civil society organisations active on NCD and those involved in emerging NCD alliances.

Training Course on ‘Tourism Statistics’ in Suriname
Date: 09-11 August 2016
Venue: Paramaribo Suriname

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on ‘Tourism Statistics’ at Suriname Tourism Foundation of Republic of Suriname on 9-11 August 2016.

Training Course on ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ in Brunei Darussalam
Date: 09-11 August 2016
Venue: Bendar Sari Begawan Brunei

SESRIC has organised a Training Course on “Personal Protective Equipment” in Bendar Sari Begawan, Brunei Darussalam on 9-11 August 2016. The training course was provided by OSH experts at the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey with the attendance of participants from the Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam.

SESRIC and Statistics Sierra Leone of the Republic of Sierra Leone signed MoA
Date: 09 August 2016
Venue: Freetown Sierra Leone

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Statistics Sierra Leone (SSL) of the Republic of Sierra Leone signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”.

The Technical Visit on ‘Water Resources Management’
Date: 08-19 August 2016
Venue: Istanbul, Akcakoca, Kastomonu, Samsun, Rize, Artvin, Bayburt, Amasya and Bolu Türkiye

SESRIC organised in collaboration with the DSI (Devlet Su İşleri) and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) a Technical Visit on “Water Resources Management” within the framework of the OIC Water Resources Management Capacity Building Programme (Water-CaB) in Istanbul, Akcakoca, Kastomonu, Samsun, Rize, Artvin, Bayburt, Amasya and Bolu on 08-19 August 2016. The Technical Visit was provided by experts from DSI’s 14th Regional Office, Istanbul Turkey. The target group of this Technical Visit was the trainers from Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Mauritania, Ministry of Water and Mineral Resources, Somalia, Ministry for Water & Sanitation, Senegal and Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda.

Third Meeting of the MEDSTAT IV Working Group on Statistical Business Registers (SBRs)
Date: 26-28 July 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Third Meeting of the MEDSTAT IV Working Group on Statistical Business Registers (SBR) was organised by Eurostat in collaboration with Expertise Française in Istanbul, Turkey on 26-28 July 2016. 17 official statisticians and experts from Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Turkey participated in the Working Group Meeting. Dr. Atilla Karaman, Researcher at the Statistics and Information Department, represented SESRIC at the Meeting.

39th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs (ICECS)
Date: 23-25 July 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

The 39th Session of the Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and Social Affairs (ICECS) was held at the OIC Headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on 23-25 July 2016. The Session has been attended by the representatives of the OIC member countries and those of the OIC and its subsidiary, specialised and affiliated institutions.

Panel on Investment in OIC Member States and Contribution to SDGs
Date: 19 July 2016
Venue: Nairobi-Kenya

SESRIC organised a panel on “Investment in OIC Member States and Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals” on the sideline of the World Investment Forum 2016 which took place in Nairobi, Kenya on 17-21 July 2016 in conjunction with the Fourteenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Ministerial Meeting (UNCTAD 14).

Technical Training Course on 'Occupational Health for Albanian Experts' in Turkey
Date: 18-23 July 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised a technical training course on “Occupational Health” in Ankara, Turkey on 18-23 July 2016. The technical training course was provided by the OSH experts at the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey with the attendance of participants from the Inspectorate of Labour and Social Services, Republic of Albania. The participants were awarded with the certification of attendance to the technical training course at the end.

Training Course on ‘Pension System’ in Togo
Date: 11-12 July 2016
Venue: Lome Togo

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), organised, in collaboration with the National Social Security Fund of Tunisia, a training course on “Pension System” within the framework of the OIC Capacity Building Programme for Social Security Institutions (SSI-CaB) in Lome, Togo on 11-12 July 2016.

SESRIC and National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies of the Republic of Chad signed MoA
Date: 16 June 2016
Venue: N’Djamena Chad

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of the Republic of Chad signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”.

Workshop on ‘Road Map for the Education of Syrian Refugee Children’
Date: 01-02 June 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

SESRIC, SETA and OIC-ICHAD jointly organised a workshop on “Roadmap for the Education of Syrian Refugee Children” in Istanbul, Turkey on 01-02 June 2016. The workshop was attended by the representatives of the government agencies, NGOs and international institutions.

SESRIC Participated in the 4th Annual Focal Points Meeting of the COMCEC Working Groups
Date: 01-02 June 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC participated in the 4th Annual Focal Points Meeting of the COMCEC Working Groups organised by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) in Ankara, Republic of Turkey on 1-2 June 2016.

15th COMSTECH General Assembly
Date: 31 May - 01 June 2016
Venue: Islamabad Pakistan

The 15th Session of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) General Assembly was held in Islamabad on 31 May-01 June 2016, under the Chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Mamnoon Hussain, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Chairman of COMSTECH.

Study Visit on ‘Development of Sustainable Aquaculture for OIC Countries’
Date: 30 May - 03 June 2016
Venue: Muğla and Izmir Türkiye

SESRIC in collaboration with Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Turkey organised a Study Visit on “Development of Sustainable Aquaculture for OIC Countries” within the framework of the OIC Agriculture Capacity Building Programme (OIC-AgriCaB) on 30 May- 03 June 2016 in Muğla and Izmir, Turkey.

Theoretical and Practical Training Course on ‘Plant Tissue Culture Technology Transfer’
Date: 30 May - 02 June 2016
Venue: Bademli-Izmir Türkiye

In collaboration with the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) and Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of the Republic of Turkey, SESRIC organised a Theoretical and Practical Training Course on “Plant Tissue Culture Technology Transfer” within the framework of the OIC Agriculture Capacity Building Programme (OIC-AgriCaB) in Bademli, Izmir, Turkey on 30 May – 02 June 2016. The training course was provided by experts from Bademli Agricultural Development Cooperative for Arboriculture, Turkey. The target group of this training course was the experts from Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Genetic Resources Institute.

H.E. Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, addressed the two side events on Humanitarian Matters at The First World Humanitarian Summit
Date: 23-24 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The First World Humanitarian Summit was hosted by the Turkish Government in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 23-24 May 2016. The Summit convened 9000 participants from 173 Member States, including 55 Heads of State and Government, hundreds of private sector representatives, and thousands of people from civil society and non-governmental organisations.

The 3rd Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible of Water
Date: 17-19 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 3rd Islamic Conference of Ministers Responsible of Water took place in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 17-19 May 2016. Delegations from 41 OIC Member States participated in the conference. The Conference, held under the theme “From Vision to Action”, discussed implementation of the OIC Water Vision to enhance cooperation among the OIC Member States on water-related issues.

19th Meeting of COMSATS Coordinating Council
Date: 17-18 May 2016
Venue: Islamabad Pakistan

The 19th Meeting of COMSATS Coordinating Council was held in Islamabad, Pakistan on 17-18 May 2016. The meeting was hosted by COMSATS’ Centre of Excellence, the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) in Pakistan.

SESRIC Launched the OIC Water Report 2015 during Islamic Conference for Ministers Responsible for Water
Date: 17-19 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 3rd Session of the Islamic Conference for Ministers Responsible for Water was held on 17-19 May 2016 in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey. The Conference was hosted by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Training on ‘Enhancing the Capacity of Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies’
Date: 16-20 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and the Centre for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM) jointly organised a training program for enhancing the capacity of Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies, within the framework of its OIC NGO Capacity Building Programme, on 16-20 May 2016 in Ankara, Turkey.

SESRIC participated in the 41st Annual Meeting of IDB Group
Date: 15-19 May 2016
Venue: Jakarta Indonesia

The 41st Annual Meeting of the IDB Group Board of Governors was held in Jakarta, Indonesia during 15-19 May 2016, with the theme “Enhancing Growth and Poverty Alleviation through Infrastructure Development and Financial Inclusion”. The annual meeting gathers IDB’s Governors, mostly finance and economy ministers, in addition to hundreds of policy makers and top leaders from its international and regional partner institutions. The Annual Meeting also provides its stakeholders a platform to explore practical solutions, strengthen partnership and cooperation between its member countries. H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General, and Dr. Kenan Bağcı, senior researcher, represented the Centre at the meeting.

SESRIC attended to OIC-UN General Coordination Meeting in Geneva
Date: 11-13 May 2016
Venue: Geneva – Switzerland

The three-day General Coordination Meeting, spanning 11-13 May 2016 and involving representatives from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the United Nations (UN) bodies, was held at the UN Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The biannual regular meeting evaluates the progress of joint cooperation activities running from May 2014 to May 2016. HE Ambassador Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General; Dr. Kenan Bağcı, Researcher; Mr. Onur Çağlar, Technical Cooperation Specialist; and Dr. Atilla Karaman, Researcher represented the SESRIC at the three-day Meeting.

3rd Meeting of the OIC Occupational Safety and Health Network (OIC-OSHNET)
Date: 10 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Third Meeting of the OIC Occupational Safety and Health Network (OIC-OSHNET) was organised by SESRIC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey (MoLSS), in Istanbul, Turkey, on 10 May 2016, on the sideline of the Eighth International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health which was held on 8-11 May 2016.

Panel Session on ‘The Role of National and International OSH Organisations’
Date: 10 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Panel Session on “The Role of National and International OSH Organisations” was held in Istanbul on 10 May 2016, on the sideline of the Eighth International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health which was held on 08-11 May 2016. Chaired by Ambassador Musa Kulaklikaya, Director General of SESRIC, the session hosted speakers from SESRIC, World Health Organisation (WHO), Arab Labour Organisation (ALO), United Nations Population Fund and German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). Mr. Mansur Boydaş, Training Expert at the Training and Technical Cooperation Department of SESRIC gave a presentation on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Occupational Safety and Health Network OIC OSHNET that is one of the active networks around the world on the subject area.

Workshop on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in OIC Member Countries: Needs and Capacity Assessment
Date: 09-11 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised a workshop on “Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in OIC Member Countries: Needs and Capacity Assessment” in collaboration with the UNDP Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development and the Association of Education for the Future (GED) in Ankara, Turkey on 09-11 May 2016.

SESRIC Participated in the 4th Meeting of the Interagency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics for the Arab Countries
Date: 09-10 May 2016
Venue: Dead Sea Jordan

The Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Cooperation (SESRIC) participated in the 4th Meeting of the Interagency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics for the Arab Countries organised by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA) on 9-10 May 2016 in Dead Sea, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

VIII. International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health
Date: 08-11 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Eighth International Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Conference was organised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security of Turkey on the theme of ‘‘Sustainable Occupational Safety and Health” in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 8-11 May 2016.

Roundtable Meeting on ‘Strengthening Intra-OIC Cooperation for Development: The Role of SESRIC’
Date: 06 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) hosted a Roundtable Meeting on “Strengthening Intra-OIC Cooperation for Development: The Role of SESRIC” with the participation of the Ambassadors of the OIC Member Countries in Ankara on 06 May 2016.

Study Visit on ’Global Adult Tobacco Survey and Turkish Health Survey’ in Turkey
Date: 05 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised a study visit on ’Global Adult Tobacco Survey and Turkish Health Survey’ on 5 May 2016 in Ankara, Republic of Turkey with the participation of two officials of Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan (TAJSTAT) to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) under the scope of the project on the ‘Integration of TQS into Ongoing National Surveys in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States’ in collaboration with the Central for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CDC Foundation.

SESRIC and National Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Niger signed MoA
Date: 04 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Republic of Niger signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”. The MoA was signed on 4 May 2016 by H.E. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General of SESRIC, during the Orientation Workshop on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys’ at SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara, Republic of Turkey and signed on 2 May 2016 by Mr. Idrissa Alichina KOURGUENI, Director General of INS of the Republic of Niger, at INS Headquarters, Niamey.

Orientation Workshop on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys’
Date: 03-04 May 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Orientation Workshop on ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ was organised and hosted by SESRIC in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and CDC Foundation on 3-4 May 2016 at SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara, Republic of Turkey. The said Workshop had the objective to provide additional information and technical support to the OIC Member Countries in integrating TQS into their on-going surveys.

2nd International Halal Tourism Conference
Date: 03-05 May 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

The 2nd International Halal Tourism Conference was organised on 3-5 May 2016 in Dedeman Convention Centre, Konya, Turkey.

3rd International Congress of Technology Addiction
Date: 03-04 May 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 3rd International Congress of Technology Addiction, hosted by the Turkish Green Crescent Society in Istanbul, Turkey on 3-4 May 2016, brought together specialised experts on technology addiction, as well as representatives of governments, regional and international institutions and NGOs. The congress included activities aimed at building a scientific platform for discussions, solutions, and practical suggestions about the growing effects of excessive and inappropriate use of technology.

7th Session of the OIC Ministerial Conference on Food Security and Agricultural Development in Kazakhstan
Date: 26-28 April 2016
Venue: Astana Kazakhstan

The 7th Session of the OIC Ministerial Conference on Food Security and Agricultural Development and the Inaugural General Assembly of the Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) was held on 26–28 April 2016 in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan. The Conference was hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

Training Course on ‘Occupational Hygiene: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene’ in Brunei Darussalam
Date: 26-28 April 2016
Venue: Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), organised a training course on “Occupational Hygiene: Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene” in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey on 26-28 April 2016. The training course was provided by Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey with the attendance of participants from the Occupational Health Division operating under the Ministry of Health, Brunei Darussalam.

2nd Turkish Arab Congress on Higher Education
Date: 26-30 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Second Turkish Arab Congress on Higher Education (TECHE 16) was held in Istanbul on 26-30 April 2016 in partnership with Istanbul Medeniyet University, the Association of Arab Universities and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).

SESRIC launched the 2016 edition of its report titled ‘Agriculture and Food Security in OIC Member Countries: Opportunities for Cooperation’
Date: 26-28 April 2016
Venue: Astana Kazakhstan

SESRIC has launched the 2016 edition of its report titled “Agriculture and Food Security in OIC Member Countries: Opportunities for Cooperation” during the 7th OIC Ministerial Conference on Food Security and Agricultural Development, which was held in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, from 26-28 April 2016. The report highlights the recent state as well as the constraints and challenges of agricultural development and food security in OIC countries. It examines major agricultural development issues in OIC countries such as agricultural production and productivity, trade in agriculture commodities, agricultural population and land use in agriculture, water resources and their use in agriculture, production and trade of food, food aid, prevalence of undernourishment, and impacts of food price volatility. The report also sheds light on the importance of promoting intra-OIC investment in the agriculture sector and concludes with a set of broad policy recommendations and some project proposals for enhancing OIC cooperation in this important area.

Training Course on 'Business Registers' in Egypt
Date: 26-28 April 2016
Venue: Cairo Egypt

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Business Registers’ at Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Arab Republic of Egypt on 26-28 April 2016.

Study Visit on ‘Global Adult Tobacco Survey and Turkish Health Survey’ in Turkey
Date: 25-26 April 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC organised a study visit on ’Global Adult Tobacco Survey and Turkish Health Survey’ on 25-26 April 2016 in Turkey with the participation of three officials of BPS-Statistics Indonesia to the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) under the scope of the project on the “Integration of TQS into Ongoing National Surveys in Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States” in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Workshop on Risk Management Practices in Statistical Organisations
Date: 25-26 April 2016
Venue: Geneva – Switzerland

The Workshop on Risk Management in Statistical Organisations was organised by the Modernisation Committee on Organisational Framework and Evaluation at Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland on 25-26 April 2016. The Workshop was attended by official statisticians responsible for risk management in their respective organisations from 24 countries of which 3 of them were also OIC member countries, including Albania, Kyrgyz Republic, and Turkey. The representatives of Secretariat of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Statistical Division of UNECE, Eurostat, academia, and SESRIC participated in the Workshop, as well. Dr. Atilla Karaman from the Statistics and Information Department represented SESRIC at the Workshop.

Training Course on 'Social Accounting Matrixes' in Bahrain
Date: 25-27 April 2016
Venue: Manama Bahrain

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Social Accounting Matrixes’ at Central Informatics Organization, Information and eGovernment Authority (IGA) of Bahrain on 25-27 April 2016.

SESRIC signed MoU with the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS)
Date: 20 April 2016
Venue: Ramallah Palestine

H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Mrs. Ola Awad-Shakhshir, President of Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 20 April 2016 in Ramallah, State of Palestine.

SESRIC and National Institute of Statistics of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire signed MoA
Date: 19 April 2016
Venue: Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) .

Training Course on ‘Competition Law and Policy’ in Cameroon
Date: 18-20 April 2016
Venue: Yaounde Cameroon

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), organised, in collaboration with the Turkish Competition Authority, a training course on "Competition Law and Policy" within the framework of the OIC Capacity Building Programme for Competition Authorities (OIC-CA-CaB) on 18-20 April 2016 in Yaounde, Cameroon. 

Training Course on ‘Occupational Safety and Health Management System: Hazard Identification Risk, Control Risk Assessment, Incident Investigation and Reporting’
Date: 18-20 April 2016
Venue: Lahore Pakistan

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), organised a training course on “Occupational Hygiene” in collaboration with the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) on 18-20 April 2016 in Lahore, Pakistan. The training course was provided by Department of Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH with the attendance of participants from the Saeed Ahmed Awan Centre for the Improvement of Working Conditions & Environment, Pakistan.

SESRIC signed MoU with Turkic Council in Istanbul
Date: 18 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States (Turkic Council) on 18 April 2016 in Istanbul. H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC and H.E. Ambassador Ramil Hasanov, Secretary General of the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States signed the MoU.

Training Course on ' Labour Statistics ' in Oman
Date: 18-20 April 2016
Venue: Muscat Oman

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Labour Statistics’ at National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI) of Sultanate of Oman on 18-20 April, 2016.

First Ladies’ Leadership on Cancer Control
Date: 14 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

In line with the decision of the 5th Islamic Conference of Health Ministers held in Istanbul on 17-19 November 2015, the Government of the Republic of Turkey has organised in coordination with OIC General Secretariat a special session on First Ladies’ Leadership on Cancer Control on the margins of the 13th Islamic Summit Conference on 14 April 2016 in Istanbul.

SESRIC attended the ‘Enhancing Economic and Cultural Relations among OIC Member Countries: Opportunities and Challenges’ side-line event during 13th Islamic Summit
Date: 13 April 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) moderated the session on “Economic and Commercial Cooperation among OIC Member Countries: Problems and Solutions” a side-line event of the 13th OIC Islamic Summit Conference on 13 April 2016, organised by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey and the Centre for Strategic Research (SAM).

The 13th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference
Date: 10-15 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 13th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference took place in Istanbul, Turkey on 10-15 April 2016. The Senior Official Meeting Preparatory for the Summit took place on 10-11 April 2016. This meeting reviewed and considered the outcome documents of the Summit and the draft agenda and programme of the preparatory meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, which was held on 12-13 April 2016. The 13th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference was held at the level of the Heads of the States on 14-15 April 2016 under the overall theme “Unity and Solidarity for Justice and Peace”. The agenda of the summit included, among other issues, the question of Palestine and Arab-Israeli conflict, conflict situation in the Muslim world, combating terrorism and violent extremism, Islamophopia, humanitarian situation in the Muslim world, and the OIC-2025 Programme of Action. The summit adopted a final communique and Istanbul Declaration.

The 13th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference was held in Istanbul
Date: 10-15 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The 13th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference was held on 10-15 April 2016 in Istanbul. With the theme "Unity and Solidarity for Justice and Peace", the Summit stressed out the importance of unity and solidarity of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries in solving the challenges faced by the Islamic world.

SESRIC signed MoU with ICDT, ISESCO, LPRD and IDB during the 13th OIC Islamic Summit in Istanbul
Date: 10-15 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) has signed several Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with different partners during the 13th OIC Islamic Summit, which was held between 10-15 April in Istanbul.

18th Intensive Care Congress
Date: 06-10 April 2016
Venue: Antalya Türkiye

The 18th Intensive Care Congress was held on 06-10 April 2016 in Antalya. The congress, considered as one of the most important events on intensive care, included 43 panels, conferences, round table discussions, interactive exchanges with relevant experts, industry-supported satellite meetings and joint sessions with major associations.

Arab Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics
Date: 05-07 April 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Arab Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics was organised and hosted by SESRIC in collaboration and partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCC-STAT), and Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics (AITRS) at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey on 5-7 April 2016.

Training Course on ‘Occupational Health: Chemical Exposure’ in Bahrain
Date: 05-07 April 2016
Venue: Manama Bahrain

SESRIC organised a training course on “Occupational Hygiene” in Manama, Bahrain on 5-7 April 2016. The training course was provided by Mr. Muhammed Raşit Aydos and Mrs. Doğa Martı, OSH experts at the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey with the attendance of participants from the Occupational Safety Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Kingdom of Bahrain.

SESRIC organised Knowledge Sharing Workshop on OIC Social Security Systems
Date: 04-06 April 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a workshop on “Knowledge Sharing Workshop on Social Security Systems” in Ankara on 4-6 April 2016, in collaboration with the Social Security Institution of the Republic of Turkey.

Training Course on ‘Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Sector and Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene’ in Oman
Date: 04-06 April 2016
Venue: Muscat Oman

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a training course on “Occupational Safety and Health in Construction Sector and Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene” on 04-06 April 2016 in Muscat, Oman. The training course was provided by Mr. Hamza Altınsoy and Mr. Hüseyin Suat Burçak, OSH experts at the General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety (DGOHS) under the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the Republic of Turkey with the attendance of participants from the Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman.

Conference on “The Future of Islamic Banking and Economics in Search of New Normal”
Date: 04-05 April 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) participated in the conference on ”The Future of Islamic Banking and Economics in Search of New Normal” on 4-5 April 2016 at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul, Turkey, which was organised by the Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT). 

Third Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs)
Date: 30 March - 01 April 2016
Venue: Mexico City - Mexico

The Third Meeting of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs), was held in Mexico City, Mexico from 30 March to 1 April 2016.

Training Course on “Mitigating the Devastating Effect of Lepidopteran Insect through Molecular and Conventional Breeding Approaches”
Date: 29-31 March 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a training course on “Mitigating the Devastating Effect of Lepidopteran through Molecular and Conventional Breeding Approaches” within the framework of the OIC Cotton Training Programme (OIC-CTP), for Cotton experts from OIC Cotton Producing Countries in Ankara on 29-31 March 2016. The course was conducted by experts from the University of the Punjab, Pakistan.

SESRIC Participated in the COMCEC Project Funding Training Programme 2016
Date: 29-30 March 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Cooperation (SESRIC) participated in the OIC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) Project Funding Training Programme 2016 in Ankara, Turkey on 29-30 March 2016. The Centre was represented by Ms. Nenden Octavarulia Shanty, Researcher at Statistics and Information Department. The training was attended by the delegates from Gambia, Malaysia, Palestine, Turkey, and Uganda. Representatives of Development Bank of Turkey and Department of International Programs and Projects of Ministry of Development of Turkey also participated in the meeting.

Training Course on ‘Organisational Development and Poverty Analysis’ in Indonesia
Date: 22-23 March 2016
Venue: Jakarta Indonesia

SESRIC, in collaboration with the Ministry of Family and Social Policies Republic of Turkey, organised a training course on “Organisational Development and Poverty Analysis” within the framework of the OIC Poverty Alleviation Programme (OIC-PAP) in Jakarta, Indonesia on 22-23 March 2016. The course was provided by Mr. Nevzat Kunduracı, Family and Social Policies Expert at the Ministry of Family and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey and attended by relevant experts from the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Republic of Indonesia.

SESRIC Participated in the 6th Meeting of the COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group
Date: 17-18 March 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic, Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Cooperation (SESRIC) participated in the 6th Meeting of the COMCEC Financial Cooperation Working Group organised by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) in Ankara, Turkey on 17-18 March 2016.

Training Course on ‘Balance of Payments and External Statistics’ in Bahrain
Date: 15-17 March 2016
Venue: Manama Bahrain

In accordance with its 2016 Annual Work Plan and within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme, SESRIC has organised the Training Course on “Balance of Payments and External Statistics” at the Central Informatics Organization, Information and eGovernment Authority (IGA) of Kingdom of Bahrain on 15-17 March 2016.

Theoretical and Practical Training Course on ‘Greenhouse Farming’
Date: 14-18 March 2016
Venue: Adana Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) has organised a theoretical and practical training course on “Greenhouse Farming” within the framework of the OIC Agriculture Capacity Building Programme (OIC-AgriCaB) for 6 agriculture experts from Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) at the Alata Horticultural Research Institute in Adana, Turkey, on 14-18 March 2016. The course was conducted by the experts of Alata Horticultural Research Institute. As part of the training course Mersin and Adana were visited.

Meeting with the Delegates of National Statistical Offices of OIC Member Countries
Date: 10 March 2016
Venue: New York – USA

SESRIC, in its capacity as the Secretariat of the OIC Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom), organised the annual Meeting with the Delegates of National Statistical Offices of OIC Member Countries on 10 March 2016 between 08:15 and 09:30 in Conference Room B of the UN Conference Building as a side event meeting of the 47th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in New York, USA.

Forty-Seventh Session of the UN Statistical Commission
Date: 08-11 March 2016
Venue: New York – USA

The Forty-Seventh Session of the UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA on 8-11 March 2016. The Session was attended by representatives of national and international agencies. H.E. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General, and Ms. Zehra Zümrüt SELÇUK, Director of Statistics and Information Department,l represented SESRIC thereat.

The 5th Extraordinary Summit of the OIC on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif
Date: 06-07 March 2016
Venue: Jakarta Indonesia

The 5th Extraordinary Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Palestine and Al-Quds Al-Sharif under the theme of “United for Just Solution” was held in Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia on 6-7 March 2016. The two-day summit with lead with preparatory convention of senior officials on 6 March and followed by a meeting of foreign ministers, with the outcomes of the first day of debates forwarded to the leaders of the OIC Member States on 7 March 2016. The issue of Palestine was discussed among the 605 delegates from 57 countries:

'Islamic Tourism Capital for 2016 Konya' conference was held in Konya
Date: 04 March 2016
Venue: Konya Türkiye

H.E. Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC attended the press conference on „OIC Tourism Capital for 2016“ which was held on 4 March 2016 in the Turkish city of Konya. The press conference aimed to introduce the action plan for the new OIC Tourism Capital of 2016.

The 11th Meeting of the Steering Committee on Health
Date: 02-03 March 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

The 11th Meeting of the OIC Steering Committee on Health (SCH) was hosted by the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 02-03 March 2016 at OIC Headquarters in Jeddah. The Steering Committee was attended by representatives of member countries and the relevant OIC and UN institutions, and discussed, inter alia, the status of implementation of the decisions and resolutions adopted by the Fifth Islamic Conference of Health Ministers held in Turkey on 17-19 November 2015, as well as the implementation of the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action 2014-2023 (SHPA). The SCH Meeting was preceded by the 4th Lead Country Coordinators Meeting on 29 February-1 March 2016.

Expert Group Meeting on ‘Radicalism and Violent Extremism’
Date: 02 March 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised an Expert Group Meeting on "Radicalism and Violent Extremism" at SESRIC Headquarter in Ankara on 02 March 2016, in collaboration with Centre for Middle Eastern Strategic Studies (ORSAM) and Foundation for Political and Social Research (SETA).

The 4th Meeting of Lead Country Coordinators
Date: 29 February - 01 March 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

The Fourth Meeting of the Lead Country Coordinators (LCCs) was hosted by the Ministry of Health of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 29 February-1 March 2016 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Lead Country Coordinators responsible for the six thematic areas identified in the OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action 2014-2023 (OIC-SHPA) namely, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Oman, Sudan and Turkey, as well as relevant OIC organs and institutions including COMSTECH, SESRIC, ISESCO and IDB.

Training Course on ‘Emergency and Disaster Medical Services’ in İzmir
Date: 28 February - 10 March 2016
Venue: Izmir Türkiye

SESRIC organised a training course on “Emergency and Disaster Medical Services” for 15 health experts from Indonesia at the International Urla Emergency Disaster Training and Simulation Centre in İzmir, Turkey, on 28 February-10 March 2016, in cooperation with Aksi Cepat Tanggap Foundation of Indonesia, the Ministry of Health of Turkey and the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA). The course was conducted by the experts of Ministry of Health of Turkey.

SESRIC and Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology (LARST) signed MoU
Date: 26 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and the Libyan Authority for Research, Science and Technology (LARST) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide a general framework to develop partnership between SESRIC and LARST so as to conduct analytical studies and researches in the areas of common interest. The MoU was signed on 26 February 2016 by H.E. Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, and Assoc. Prof. Faisal A. Mohamed General Manager of LARST in Ankara.

Meeting on Action #78 within the Framework of Istanbul International Finance Centre Programme
Date: 26 February 2016
Venue: Istanbul Türkiye

The Participation Banks Association of Turkey organized the Meeting on Action #78 within the Framework of Istanbul International Finance Centre Programme on 26 February 2016 at its headquarters in Istanbul, Turkey. Dr. Atilla Karaman from the Statistics and Information Department represented the SESRIC at the Meeting.

SESRIC organized a Workshop on ‘Syrian Refugees: Prospects and Challenges’
Date: 25-26 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organised a two-day workshop on “Syrian Refugees: Prospects and Challenges” in Ankara on 25-26 February 2016.

Workshop on ‘Reintegration and Development in Libya: The Role of Think-Tanks’
Date: 22-23 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), a subsidiary organ of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA), the Libyan Programme for Reintegration and Development and the Libyan Organization of Policies and Strategies have organized a workshop on “Reintegration and Development in Libya: The Role of Think Tanks” on 22-23 February 2016 at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Turkey.

Scientific Training on ‘Dimensional Metrology’
Date: 22-26 February 2016
Venue: Gebze/KOCAELİ Türkiye

SESRIC organised a scientific training course on ‘‘Dimensional Metrology’’ in Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey on 22-26 February 2016, in collaboration with the Standards and Metrology Institute for the Islamic Countries (SMIIC) and TÜBİTAK National Metrology Institute (TÜBİTAK UME).

Training Course on 'Professional Skills for Official Statisticians: Time Management' in Tajikistan
Date: 22-23 February 2016
Venue: Dushanbe Tajikistan

In accordance with its 2015 Annual Work Plan, SESRIC organised the training course on ‘Professional Skills for Official Statisticians: Time Management’ at Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan (AoS) on 22-23 February 2016, within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme. The course was conducted by Mr. Nijat Akhmedov, Expert at DemirBank of Azerbaijan with participation of relevant officials of AoS.

SESRIC Director General visited ISESCO
Date: 16 February 2016
Venue: Rabat Morocco

Ambassador Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), visited Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in their headquarters in Rabat, Morocco. 

Study Visit on ‘Poverty Statistics’ in Jordan
Date: 16-18 February 2016
Venue: Amman Jordan

Carried out under the support of COMCEC PCM Programme and coordinated by SESRIC, the project titled “Improving Statistical Capacities of OIC Member Countries in Poverty Statistics” aims at building statistical capacity in poverty statistics and overall contributing to the National Statistical Systems of the member countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) through capacity building programs including short-term trainings.

Training Course on ‘Poverty Statistics’ in Tajikistan
Date: 15-17 February 2016
Venue: Dushanbe Tajikistan

Within the framework of 2014-SESRIC-016 Project, SESRIC organised the Training Course on ‘Poverty Statistics’ at Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan (AoS) 15-17 February 2016. The Course was conducted by Mr. Yashar Pasha, Expert at State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the participation of 12 officials of AoS of Republic of Tajikistan.

SESRIC-IDB Seminar Series- Islamic Trade Finance
Date: 12 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Turkey Office of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group jointly organised another Seminar as part of the SESRIC-IDB Seminar Series. Dr. Ahmet Şuayb Gündoğdu, International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC) Representative in the IDB Group Turkey Office, delivered a seminar under the title of: "Direction of Islamic Trade Finance; from Greenfield to Capital Markets" at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara on 12 February 2016. Numerous academics and banking experts have participated in the event. 

7th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group
Date: 11 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The 7th Meeting of the COMCEC Poverty Alleviation Working Group was held on 11 February 2016 in Ankara, Turkey under the "Accessibility of Vulnerable Groups to Social Protection Programmes in the OIC Member Countries" theme. Dr. Atilla Karaman from the Statistics and Information Department and Mr. Mazhar Hussain from the Economic and Social Research Department attended to the Meeting on behalf of the SESRIC.

Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs of the OIC, Hesham Youssef, paid a courtesy visit to Director General of SESRIC
Date: 11 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Hesham Youssef, had paid a courtesy visit to the Director General of the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), Amb. Musa Kulaklikaya at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara on 11th February 2016.

During his One-day Official Visit to Ankara, H.E. Iyad Ameen Madani, Secretary General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), paid a courtesy visit to SESRIC
Date: 10 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

During his official visit to Ankara on 10th February 2016, the Secretary General of the OIC, H.E. Iyad Ameen Madani, had paid a courtesy visit to SESRIC. 

Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, Yermek Kosherbayev visited Director General of SESRIC
Date: 09 February 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

The Director General of SESRIC, Amb. Musa Kulaklikaya, welcomed Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, Yermek Kosherbayev at SESRIC Headquaters in Ankara on 9th February 2016.

International Conference on Sudanese-Turkish Relations from Past to Present and Opportunities for the Future
Date: 08-10 February 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

Çankırı Karatekin University, Turkey, and Al Zaiem Al Azhari University, Sudan, organized the "International Conference on Sudanese-Turkish Relations from Past to Present and Opportunities for the Future" on 8-10 February 2016 in Khartoum, Sudan, with the support of SESRIC. The conference had the aim to constitute a better collaboration between Sudanese and Turkish universities as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations. The objective of the conference was to reveal the relationship between Turkey and Sudan based on historical documents and to assess and identify potential collaboration projects for the benefit of both countries.

Training Course on ‘Poverty Statistics’ in Sudan
Date: 08-10 February 2016
Venue: Khartoum Sudan

Within the framework of 2014-SESRIC-016 Project, SESRIC organised the Training Course on “Poverty Statistics” at the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) in Khartoum - Republic of the Sudan on 8-10 February 2016. The course was conducted by Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Abdelwahab, Expert at Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) of Egypt with the participation of 27 officials of CBS of Republic of the Sudan.

Training Course on 'Professional Skills for Official Statisticians: Effective Written Communication Techniques' in Turkmenistan
Date: 27-29 January 2016
Venue: Ashgabat Turkmenistan

In accordance with its 2015 Annual Work Plan, SESRIC will organise the training course on ‘Professional Skills for Official Statisticians: Effective Written Communication Techniques’ at the State Committee on Statistics of Turkmenistan on 27-29 January 2016, within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme. The course will be conducted by Mr. Sanan Hasanov, Expert at Business Management Group International (BMGI) of Azerbaijan with participation of relevant officials.

Training Course on Basics of Competition Law in Guinea
Date: 25-26 January 2016
Venue: Conakry Guinea

SESRIC organised, in collaboration with the Directorate of Competition and Prices, Kingdom of Morocco, a training course on “Basics of Competition Law” within the framework of the OIC Capacity Building Programme for Competition Authorities (OIC-CA-CaB) in Conakry, Republic of Guinea on 25-26 January 2016. The course was provided by Mr. Bousselmame El Hassane, Director of Competition, Awards and Investment Promotion of the Ministry of General Affairs and Governance, Kingdom of Morocco, with the participation of relevant members of the National Directorate of Interior Trade and Competition, Republic of Guinea. The training course mainly covered the following subjects:

Training Course on ‘Competition Law Enforcement in Regulated Markets and Bid-Rigging’ in Pakistan
Date: 25-27 January 2016
Venue: Islamabad Pakistan

SESRIC organised, in collaboration with the Turkish Competition Authority, a training course on "Competition Law Enforcement in Regulated Markets and Bid-Rigging" within the framework of the OIC Capacity Building Programme for Competition Authorities (OIC-CA-CaB) in Islamabad, Pakistan on 25-27 January 2016. The course was provided by Mr. Remzi Özge Arıtürk and Metin Pektaş, competition experts of the Turkish Competition Authority with the participation of relevant members of the Competition Commission of Pakistan.

Technical Mission on ‘Module 2: Quarterly National Accounts’ to Afghanistan
Date: 23 January - 12 February 2016
Venue: Kabul Afghanistan

In accordance with its 2015 Annual Work Plan, SESRIC organised the technical mission on ‘Module 2: Quarterly National Accounts’ at the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) on 23 January - 12 February 2016, within the framework of the Statistical Capacity Building (StatCaB) Programme. The mission was conducted by Mr. Kourosh Javadi Pashaki, Expert at the Statistical Centre of the Islamic Republic of Iran with participation of relevant officials of CSO.

SESRIC and National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) of Republic of Mali signed MoA
Date: 14 January 2016
Venue: Bamako Mali

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) of Republic of Mali signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”. The MoA was signed on 14 January 2016 by HE. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General of SESRIC, and Mr. Seydou Moussa TRAORE, Director General of INSTAT of Republic of Mali.

SESRIC and the International Turkic Academy signed MoU
Date: 13 January 2016
Venue: Ankara Türkiye

SESRIC and the International Turkic Academy signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide a general framework to develop cooperation and partnership in the areas of common interests. The MoU was signed by H.E. Amb. Musa Kulaklıkaya, Director General of SESRIC, and Prof. Darkhan Kydyrali, President of the International Turkic Academy at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara on 13 January 2016.

Workshop on 'Public Media Services and Broadcasting Principles' in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Date: 12-13 January 2016
Venue: Jeddah Saudi Arabia

On the sideline of the 4th Annual Meeting of OIC Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum, which took place on January 12-13, 2016 in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, SESRIC and OIC Broadcasting Regulatory Authorities Forum (IBRAF) jointly organized a workshop on “Public Media Services and Broadcasting Principles”, in order to explore the media landscape in OIC Member States, and to seek further opportunities for cooperation in the areas of audiovisual media.

SESRIC and Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS) of Republic of The Gambia signed MoA
Date: 11 January 2016
Venue: Serrekunda Gambia

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS) of Republic of The Gambia signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”. The MoA was signed on 11 January 2016 by HE. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General of SESRIC, and Mr. Nyakassi M. B. SANYANG, Statistician General of GBOS of Republic of The Gambia.

SESRIC and National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of Republic of Togo signed MoA
Date: 06 January 2016
Venue: Lomé Togo

The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) and National Institute of Statistics and Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED) of Republic of Togo signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to facilitate collaboration and cooperation between both institutions within the framework of the project titled “Integration of the ‘Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS)’ into the National Surveys in Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States”. The MoA was signed on 06 January 2016 by H.E. Amb. Musa KULAKLIKAYA, Director General of SESRIC, and Mr. Kokou Yao N’GUISSAN, Director General of INSEED of Republic of Togo.